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Add Report Content

Once you have filled out the relevant information in the Metadata and Search Engine Optimization tabs, click the Content tab to add all section titles, section content, images, data visualizations, automatic citation, and endnotes. 

The directions to build your report will vary if you need to add a translation or upload a PDF:

Add a Translation

For most reports, adding a translation will include copying and pasting the translated content into the Key Messages Multi, Section Title, and Section Content blocks. For reports on Afghanistan where you need to upload a PDF of the report translated into Pashto or Dari, follow the separate guidance included on this page.

  1. Find the original language report that was published in the CMS using the Moderation Dashboard or the Content search page.

  2. Click on the report title to go to the report webpage.

  3. Select the Translate tab under the report header. 

  4. Select the Add button for the relevant language under the Operations column. 

  5. From the Edit screen, replace the original language Title with the translated title.

  6. On the Content tab, replace the text from the original language report with the translated text in each block by selecting the Edit button on the right side of each block. Update the block types as follows:

    1. Data Visualizations: Update Alt Text to the translated language, then select Generate URL. Other text included with the visualization will update automatically.

    2. Key Messages: Replace all text.

    3. Section Titles: Replace all text.

    4. Section Content: Replace all text. Ensure subtitles remain tagged with the appropriate heading styles.

    5. Report Images: Replace Title Text, Caption, and Source Title as applicable. Remove the Image files from the report by selecting the X in the upper right hand corner of the preview image. Upload the new files using translated Alt Text and selecting the relevant Language option.

    6. Endnotes: Replace all text.

  7. On the Search Engine Optimization tab, replace the original language SEO description with a translation. 

  8. Select Save and Preview (this translation).

  9. Review and publish.

Upload a PDF

These steps should only be followed when posting an M&T report, Alert, FAOB, Targeted Analysis, Special Report, Southern Africa Seasonal Monitor or Weather Hazards. When uploading a PDF for a Pashto or Dari translation of an Afghanistan report, refer to the guidance here.

  1. Ensure your final PDF has been fully 508-ed and run through CommonLook. 

  2. Create a new report and complete the selections on the Metadata tab.

  3. Click on the Media tab.

  4. Under the PDF Version section click the Add media button.

  5. Click Choose File > select the final report PDF from your document library > Open.

  6. Check that the selection under Language matches the report language. Otherwise, select the correct language from the drop-down menu and click Save.

  7. For Alerts, Special and Targeted Analysis reports, add Section Titles, Section Content, Images or Visualizations

  8. Review and publish.

The table below shows which report types are built in the CMS and use autogenerated PDFs, as well as those that currently require a PDF upload.

Report Type

Build-in website or PDF upload?

  • All M&T Reports

  • Alert

  • Southern Africa Seasonal Monitor

  • Special Report

  • Targeted Analysis

  • Weather Hazards

PDF upload required. Skip to Add Key Messages or Add Section Title to add website content.

  • FAOB 

PDF upload only. Do not add additional website content; skip to upload-PDF.

  • KM/U

  • FSO/U

  • RM/U

  • Seasonal Monitor

  • Weather and Climate Bulletin

Build in website; use data visualizations and auto-generated PDF.*

*Only Pashto or Dari translations of Afghanistan reports should be PDF uploads as described here.

Content blocks

Within the Content section, each piece of content will be entered into a content block. Options are:



Add Key Messages Multi

Add all key messages to this content block so that they are pulled into country and regional pages.

Add Section Title

Add all first level headings as a Section Title so that they show up in the side bar navigation.

Add Section Content

All general section content, including body text, most headings, and tables, is added using a Section Content block.

Add Data Visualization

Add a data visualization to the report.

Add Report Image

Add an image to the report.

Add Automatic Citation

Add an auto-generated recommended citation to the report.

Add Key Messages

Not currently used. Add each key message individually to this content block so that the KMs are pulled into country and regional pages.

Basic report building instructions

Use the links in this list or in the left hand menu for more details on each step.

  1. Add an AFI map visualization if needed.

  2. Add Key Messages.

  3. Add a Section Title.

  4. Add Section Content.

    1. Copy and paste text into the Section Content block until one of the following occurs:

      1. You reach a section title. Create a new Section Title block.

      2. You need to add a figure. Add a Report Image or Data Visualization block.

      3. You reach the end of the report.

  5. Continue to add Section Content, Section Title, and Report Image or Data Visualization blocks.

Break up text into multiple Section Content blocks to place images as close to their reference as possible. For most images, the best placement will be either right before or right after the paragraph where the figure is referenced. An image might need to placed a few paragraphs from its reference in order to balance web and PDF formatting.

  1. Add an HFA map visualization if needed.

  2. Add an Automatic Citation block. The system will automatically add the recommended citation to your report according to the report language.

  3. Preview your report, including the PDF, and tweak formatting as needed.

    1. Report formatting

    2. Troubleshooting

  4. Review and publish your report.

Adding and reordering report content blocks

The CMS includes the following options to add and reorder content blocks:

1. Add a new content block before or after existing blocks in the CMS.

2. Reorder existing content blocks. The 6-dot icon to the left of each content block can be used drag it to a new location. The up and down arrows surrounding the icon can be moved to move the content block up or down one spot.

3. Split section content. The Split Paragraph button can be used to split text in a Section Content block into two separate blocks. Place your cursor where you would like to split the text before selecting the button.

Report block order options.png

Copying and pasting text from Microsoft Word 

  1. Open your report in the Microsoft Word Desktop Application. Avoid editing or copying text in your report from the SharePoint link through your browser.

  2. To paste text copied from Microsoft Word to the relevant fields in the CMS, select Ctrl+V or use the right-click paste function.

  3. Formatting should copy over correctly. However, you should do a quick check for:

    1. Text alignment: All text should be left aligned and not justified. You can change the alignment by selecting text and then clicking the Align Left button.

    2. Text that is incorrectly hyperlinked: To fix, copy the affected text again in Word, and paste into the CMS content field using CTRL+SHIFT+V on Windows (Cmd+Shift+V on Mac). As this method removes all links, it should only be used when text appears incorrectly hyperlinked in the CMS.

  4. To undo any actions, select Ctrl+Z or use the undo button on the right side of the editor ribbon.

Saving your report

Regularly saving your work while building your report is highly recommended. As a backup, the CMS will automatically save a report that is open for editing every 30 seconds.

To save your report and continue editing, click Save and Edit.

To save and preview your report, click Save and Preview. To return to the report builder from a preview, click Edit.

When a user has a report open for editing, it is locked to prevent other users to make changes. If a second user tries to open the report for editing, they will receive a message showing the email of the user currently editing the report and how long it has been open. The Break Lock option can be selected to take over editing if the first user is unavailable or requires assistance. Since this option could result in the loss of unsaved changes, it should be used with caution.

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