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My Key Messages are not formatted correctly.

If you used the Key Messages block instead of Key Messages Multi, make sure that you have added each key message to its own block. For example, if you have three key messages, paste the first one in the block that appears when you add key messages. Click Add another item and paste your second key message in the block that appears. Click Add another item again to add your final key message.

A visualization title is in the wrong language in my translated report.

Visualization titles should be translated by default. However, if you have overridden the auto-generated title in the original report, you will need to override the title in the translation as well. You can do this using the following steps:

  • Edit your translation.

  • Find the visualization with the incorrect title.

  • Scroll down to the Visualization title field and enter your new title.

  • Generate URL and wait for the preview of the visualization to appear.

  • Save your report.

Edits to my visualization are not being saved.

In order to save edits to a visualization, you need to:

  • Make your edits.

  • Click Generate URL and wait for the preview of the visualization to appear to save the edits.

  • Save your report.

A visualization is ok on the web page but not appearing, or is appearing with an error in the PDF.

If you receive an error message and no maps in the PDF: Make sure that you have a collection date set for the visualization, if a collection date is an option for the visualization. Without a collection date, a viz will show up on the web page but not in the report.

You can check this by going into the block for the visualization in the CMS and scrolling to Collection date. If a date has been selected, it should appear underneath the collection date entry box.

If some of the maps, but not all scenarios are showing: Check to make sure that either no scenarios have been selected (which will by default choose all available scenarios) or that all scenarios have been selected.

Hyperlink formatting is appearing on text that should not have a link.

Copy the affected text again in Word, and paste into the CMS content field using CTRL+SHIFT+V on Windows (Cmd+Shift+V on Mac). As this method removes all links, it should only be used when text appears incorrectly hyperlinked in the CMS.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.