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Create a New Report

To create a new report:

  1. After signing in to the CMS, hover over the Content button at the top left of the page.

  2. Hover over Add content.

  3. Click Report.

To add a translation to an existing report, follow the instructions found here.

Enter report information


Copy and paste your report title into the text field. The character limit for the title field is 255 characters, including letters and spaces.

This text will show up on the green banner of the webpage and as the main report title in the web-generated PDF.

If a word in a report title needs to be italicized, such as gu, you will need to add <i> before the word and </i> after the word. For example:

  • If the Report document title is: Many households face difficult road to recovery despite good gu rains

  • Input the following into the CMS report Title field: Many households face difficult road to recovery despite good <i>gu</i> rains

Report type

Report type is a FEWS NET report such as a Food Security Outlook or a Seasonal Monitor for example.

Search for the relevant report type by spelling it out in the search field or selecting it from the drop-down menu.

Select metadata information

The Metadata information input in the fields below determines where the report is displayed on the website. Carefully read the help text under each field before making selections as you build your report. 


The default language in the CMS is English. If your report is in another language, select the report Language from the drop-down menu. 

Affected Regions and Primary Region

Make selections for these fields as applicable. See the table below to understand the correct selections for your report type.

Report Type

Affected Regions (Multiple selection)

Primary Region (Single selection)

  • Alert

  • Special Report

Select the region and countries referenced in the report. 

Select the single region or country that is the main focus of the report.

Global Report:

  • FAOB

  • Price Watch

  • Weather Hazards

Select Global.

Select Global.

Country Report: 

  • FSO

  • FSOU

  • Country RM/U

  • KM/U

  • Price Bulletin

Select ONLY the country referenced in the report.*

*For Afghanistan reports, select both Afghanistan and Middle East and Asia for the affected region.

Select the single country referenced in the report.

Regional Report:

  • FSO

  • KMs

  • Seasonal Monitor

Select ONLY the region referenced in the report.

Select the single region referenced in the report.

Regional Report:

  • Cross Border Trade

  • Supply and Market Outlook

Select BOTH the region and countries referenced in the report. 

Select the single region referenced in the report.

Regional RM/U

Select ONLY the countries referenced in the report.

For the LAC RM report, you will select four items:

  • El Salvador

  • Honduras

  • Nicaragua

  • El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua

Select the listed option (i.e., “El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua”) from the drop-down menu. 

Targeted Analysis

Select ONLY the country referenced in the report. 

Select the single region or country that is the main focus of the report.


Select the appropriate sector for the report per the chart below:

Report type


All food security reports (e.g., FSO, FSOU, RM, KM)

Integrated Food Security Analaysis

All Science partner reports (e.g., seasonal monitor, weather hazards)


All M&T reports (e.g., Price Watch, Price Bulletin)

Markets & Trade


You may be required to select tags for certain reports (see guidance below).

The selected tag will tell the CMS to display this report on specific web pages in addition to the main regional/country page.

  • All Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia food security reports should be tagged with Horn of Africa.

  • All Ukraine reports should be tagged with Ukraine Crisis

  • All Gaza reports should be tagged with Gaza.

  • Add the El Niño tag to your country or regional food security report if this remains a driver of acute food insecurity even though El Niño is now dissipating.

    • For instance, the impacts of El Niño are expected to continue to drive AFI in much of southern Africa well into 2025 until the main 2024/25 harvest becomes available.

  • Add the La Niña tag to your country or regional food security report if La Niña-induced weather patterns will be a key driver or contributing factor to acute food insecurity in your country/region within the reporting period.

    • This is particularly relevant for Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan, given concerns about flooding.

To remove/deselect Tags, press ctrl and left-click. 


If this report is co-authored with a network partner, you will need to add the organization name in the Partners field:

  1. Search for the partner acronym in the text field to make a selection.

  2. To add multiple partners, select the Add another item button for each additional partner. 

  3. To order the partner logos, drag the blocks up/down using the gray arrows on the left of each block.

  4. To remove a partner selection, delete the name/acronym entirely from the Partners field.

The logo of the partners selected in this field will be displayed on the website and web-generated PDF.

If helpful, you can reference the complete list of current partner logo options here. If you need to add a new partner to this list, please notify Nour/Laura in the Teams Channel.

Email distribution date to website subscribers

This field will automatically generate today’s date. This field is used to trigger a MailChimp email blast to website subscribers for this report once it is published. 

  • If you publish a report the same day it is created, you do not need to change this date.

  • If you start a report and finish it on a different day, be sure to update this date to the day you publish the report.

  • To avoid sending a MailChimp email blast (i.e., to back-post a report), input a past date (e.g., change MM to the previous month).

Report date

See the table below to understand the correct MM/DD/YYYY selections for your report type.

Date selections under this field will determine the report dates displayed on the website and web-generated PDF. If needed, Nour can coordinate with the Hub to make any changes to the date display.

Report Type

Date Format Notes

Start and End Date

Date Display on Website and web-generated PDF

  • FSO

  • FSOU

  • KM/U

  • RM/U

Input dates to reflect the projection period as shown in your report header (e.g., October 2022 to May 2023. Start Date: 10/01/2022; End Date: 05/01/2023)

Start: MM/01/YYYY

End: MM/01/YYYY

Month Year - Month Year 

(e.g., October 2022 – May 2023)

  • FAOB

  • Cross Border Trade Report

  • Price Bulletin

  • Seasonal Monitor

  • Targeted Analysis

Input the same date for the Start date and End date fields. The date should match the reporting schedule for this report type (e.g., December FSOU. Start Date 12/01/2022; End Date 12/01/2022).

Start: MM/01/YYYY

End: Same as start date

Month Year 

(e.g., December 2022)

  • Alert

  • Price Watch

  • Special Report

  • Supply and Market Outlook

Input the same date in the Start date and End date fields indicating the MM/DD/YYYY as show in the report header.

The Price Watch will always be the last day of the month.


End: Same as start date

Month Day, Year 

(e.g., May 31, 2022)

  • Weather Hazards

Input the dates to reflect the report period as shown in your report header.



Month Day – Month Day, Year (e.g., January 06 – 12, 2023)

Input an SEO description (Seasonal Monitor only)

An SEO description will be automatically generated for all reports other than the Seasonal Monitor. You will need to input an SEO description for the Seasonal Monitor in order for the system to allow you to save your report. If you do not do so before saving, the system will automatically pull you to the SEO description tab.

  1. Select the Search Engine Optimization tab. 

  2. Copy/paste one of the following:

    1. This Seasonal Monitor report provides updated meteorological information for [Region/Country], as of [Month Day, YYYY].

    2. This Seasonal Monitor report provides an update on the progress of the [YYYY rainy season] in [Country] as of [Month Day, YYYY].

  3. Don’t forget to replace any text in red brackets with relevant text for your report.

Expand to view additional SEO descriptions

Report Type

Generic SEO descriptions (English)





This [Month, Year] alert highlights a current or anticipated shock that is expected to drive a significant change in the severity of acute food security in [Country/region], such that a humanitarian food assistance response is needed imminently.




Cross Border Trade Report

This Cross-Border Trade report offers a summary of formal and informal trade flow patterns in [Country/region], with a focus on food commodity exchanges at key border points, as of [Month Year].





The [Month Year] Food Assistance Outlook Brief summarizes FEWS NET’s projection of the population in need of urgent food assistance and the severity of anticipated acute food insecurity (the highest IPC area-level classification) in each FEWS NET-monitored country seven months into the future.





This Food Security Outlook report provides FEWS NET’s forward-looking analysis of likely acute food insecurity outcomes in [Country/region] for the [Month Year] to [Month Year] projection period.

Este informe de perspectiva de seguridad alimentaria presenta el análisis prospectivo de FEWS NET sobre los probables resultados de inseguridad alimentaria aguda en [País/región] para el período de proyección de [mes Año] a [mes Año].

Ce rapport de perspectives sur la sécurité alimentaire présente l'analyse prospective de FEWS NET sur les résultats probables de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans [Pays/région] pour la période de projection de [mois année] à [mois année].

Ete relatório de previsão de Segurança Alimentar fornece a análise prospetiva da FEWS NET dos resultados prováveis da insegurança alimentar aguda em [País/região] para o período de projeção de [Mês, Ano] a [Mês, Ano].


This Food Security Outlook Update provides an analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions, including any changes to FEWS NET's latest projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in [Country/region] for the [Month Year] to [Month Year] projection period.

Esta actualización de la perspectiva de seguridad alimentaria proporciona un análisis de las condiciones actuales de inseguridad alimentaria aguda, incluyendo cualquier cambio en la última proyección de FEWS NET de los resultados de inseguridad alimentaria aguda en [País/región] para el período de proyección de [mes año] a [mes año].

Cette mise à jour sur la sécurité alimentaire fournit une analyse des conditions actuelles d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë, y compris tout changement par rapport à la dernière projection de FEWS NET des résultats de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans [Pays/région] pour la période de projection de [mois année] à [mois année].

Esta Actualização da perspectiva de segurança alimentar fornece uma análise das actuais condições de insegurança alimentar aguda, incluindo quaisquer alterações à última projeção da FEWS NET de resultados de insegurança alimentar aguda em [País/região] para o período de projeção de [Mês, Ano] a [Mês, Ano].


This Key Message Update provides a high-level analysis of current acute food insecurity conditions and any changes to FEWS NET's [Month Year] to [Month Year] projection of acute food insecurity outcomes in [Country/region].

Esta actualización de mensajes clave proporciona un análisis resumido de las condiciones actuales de inseguridad alimentaria aguda y cualquier cambio en la proyección de FEWS NET de [mes año] a [mes año]de los resultados de inseguridad alimentaria aguda en [País/región].

Cette mise à jour des messages clés fournit une analyse sommaire des conditions actuelles d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë et de tout changement dans les projections de FEWS NET [mois année] à [mois année]] des résultats de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans [Pays/région].

Esta atualização da mensagens-chave fornece uma análise sumária das condições actuais de insegurança alimentar aguda e quaisquer alterações à projeção da FEWS NET de [Mês, Ano] a [Mês, Ano] dos resultados da insegurança alimentar aguda em [País/região].

Price Bulletin

FEWS NET monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. The [Month Year] Price Bulletin presents monthly prices in the current marketing year in select urban centers in [Country/region].

FEWS NET monitorea las tendencias de los precios de los alimentos básicos en los países vulnerables a la inseguridad alimentaria. El Boletín de precios de [mes año] presenta los precios mensuales del año comercial en curso en determinados centros urbanos de [País/región].

FEWS NET surveille les tendances des prix des aliments de base dans les pays vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire. Le Bulletin des prix de [mois année] présente les prix mensuels de l’année de commercialisation en cours dans certains centres urbains de [Pays/région].

A FEWS NET monitoriza as tendências dos preços dos alimentos básicos em países vulneráveis à insegurança alimentar. O Boletim de Preços [Mês, Ano] apresenta os preços mensais na campanha de comercialização atual em centros urbanos seleccionados em [País/região].

Price Watch

The [Month Year] Global Price Watch report offers a monthly update and outlook of global, regional, and national market trends of key commodity prices in FEWS NET-monitored countries and also analyzes the various drivers influencing these trends. The accompanying Price Watch Annexes detail specific trends for select key reference markets and commodities by country.





This Remote Monitoring report provides an analysis of likely acute food insecurity outcomes in [Country/region] from [Month Year] to [Month Year].

Este informe de monitoreo remoto proporciona un análisis de los probables resultados de la inseguridad alimentaria aguda en [País/región] para el período de proyección de [mes año] a [mes año].

Cette mise à jour du suivi à distance fournit une analyse des résultats probables de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë dans [Pays/région] pour la période de projection de [mois année] à [mois année].


Supply and Market Outlook

This Supply and Market Outlook report offers a summary of regional staple food availability, surpluses, and deficits for [YYYY] in [Country/region], as well as projected price behavior, implications for local and regional commodity procurement, and essential market monitoring indicators. The accompanying Annexes offer price and supply projections for key staple commodities in select reference markets.

El informe de perspectivas de oferta y mercado ofrece un resumen de la disponibilidad, los excedentes y los déficits regionales de alimentos básicos para [año] en [País/región], así como el comportamiento previsto de los precios, las implicaciones para la adquisición local y regional de productos básicos y los indicadores esenciales de seguimiento del mercado. Los anexos adjuntos proporcionan proyecciones de precios y oferta de productos básicos clave en determinados mercados de referencia.

Ce rapport sur les perspectives de l'offre et du marché fournit un résumé de la disponibilité, des excédents et des déficits régionaux en denrées alimentaires de base pour [année] dans le [Pays/région], ainsi que le comportement projeté des prix, les implications pour l'approvisionnement local et régional en produits de base, et les indicateurs essentiels de suivi du marché. Les annexes ci-jointes présentent des projections de prix et d'offre pour les principaux produits de base sur certains marchés de référence.


Weather Hazards

This Global Weather Hazards Summary report provides an overview of weather conditions in regions that FEWS NET monitors and weather forecasts in these geographies from [Month Day] to [Month Day, Year].




Other report type

See SEO guidance, if helpful. Using the details below, generate an SEO description for your report type:

  • Indicate what kind of report this is. 

  • Include a brief description of the report.

  • Include the area or region covered by the report (global, region, country).

  • Include the period the report covers or its publication date.




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