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Add a Translation

For most reports, adding a translation will include copying and pasting the translated content into the Key Messages Multi, Section Title, and Section Content blocks. For reports on Afghanistan where you need to upload a PDF of the report translated into Pashto or Dari, follow the separate guidance included on this page.

  1. Find the original language report that was published in the CMS using the Moderation Dashboard or the Content search page.

  2. Click on the report title to go to the report webpage.

  3. Select the Translate tab under the report header. 

  4. Select the Add button for the relevant language under the Operations column. 

  5. From the Edit screen, replace the original language Title with the translated title.

  6. On the Content tab, replace the text from the original language report with the translated text in each block by selecting the Edit button on the right side of each block. Update the block types as follows:

    1. Data Visualizations: Update Alt Text to the translated language, then select Generate URL. Other text included with the visualization will update automatically.

    2. Key Messages: Replace all text.

    3. Section Titles: Replace all text.

    4. Section Content: Replace all text. Ensure subtitles remain tagged with the appropriate heading styles.

    5. Report Images: Replace Title Text, Caption, and Source Title as applicable. Remove the Image files from the report by selecting the X in the upper right hand corner of the preview image. Upload the new files using translated Alt Text and selecting the relevant Language option.

    6. Endnotes: Replace all text.

  7. On the Search Engine Optimization tab, replace the original language SEO description with a translation. 

  8. Select Save and Preview (this translation).

  9. Review and publish.

Afghanistan Report Translations (Pashto and Dari)

Afghanistan reports must be created in English as a web-based report with an autogenerated PDF before adding the Pashto or Dari translation as a PDF upload. Pashto and Dari are only available as language options for translations, and cannot be selected for new report nodes.

Upload the Pashto or Dari translation as PDFs using the following steps:

  1. Find the original language report that was published in the CMS using the Moderation Dashboard or the Content search page.

  2. Click on the report title to go to the report webpage.

  3. Select the Translate tab under the report header. 

  4. Select the Add button for the relevant language under the Operations column. 

  5. Update the report Title on the Edit Report page to indicate the Pashto or Dari translation. This will help distinguish the translation from the English language report in search results.

    1. Optionally, you can also indicate the Pashto or Dari translation on the Search Engine Optimization tab by editing the SEO Description.

  6. Select the Media tab.

  7. Click the Add media button to add or select media:

    1. Click Choose Files > select the final Pashto or Dari report PDF from your document library > Open.

    2. Update the Language field to Pashto or Dari.

    3. Click Save.

    4. Click Insert selected. The file name and preview image will now display under PDF Version in the Media tab.

  8. Select Save and Preview (this translation).

  9. Review and publish.

If you do not upload a PDF when creating a Pashto or Dari translation, the CMS will autogenerate a PDF with the original language (English) content. To fix this, open the Media tab and upload the translated PDF document, then re-save the report.

Previous: Add Endnotes

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