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Add Endnotes

FEWS NET has transitioned from using footnotes to endnotes in web-generated reports. The referenced note will no longer be displayed on the same page as the reference. Instead, all endnotes will appear at the bottom of the last page of the report.

  1. Copy and paste the text that includes the endnote reference into a Section Content block.

  2. The CMS may will the endnote at the bottom of the section content text. Delete the endnote from Section Content (it will be added to the Endnote section instead).

  3. Locate the endnote reference number in the Section Content block.

    1. The CMS will paste all endnote reference numbers in a bracket format (e.g., [1]). Remove the brackets around the number. If you have multiple end notes, update the end note reference numbers after the first to the correct number.

    2. Highlight the end note reference number, then select the Superscript button (x²) in the ribbon.

  4. Scroll down past the Report Content section to the Endnotes section, and select the Add Endnote button.

    1. Copy and paste the first endnote into the content field. Do not include the number, as the CMS will number endnotes automatically.

    2. Remove formatting for the text as usual.

    3. Select the Add Endnote button to add additional endnotes. Each endnote must be copied into its own content field.

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