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Add an Automatic Citation

For reports that require a recommended citation, it is added as the last content block to ensure it displays at the bottom of the report above endnotes (if any). A citation can be added using the Add Automatic Citation button.

To add an Automatic Citation, just select the Add Automatic Citation block. The system will automatically add a citation in the format cited below.

When editing an old report, the citation may have been added using a content block. If you need to edit the citation, you can edit it within the content block or delete the citation and add an Add Automatic Citation block.

Citation Template

Recommended citation: FEWS NET. [COUNTRY or REGION] [Report Type] [Reporting Period]: [Report Title], [Year].

Example Citation

Recommend citation: FEWS NET. Madagascar Food Security Outlook October 2022 to May 2023: Emergency (IPC Phase 4) expected in the Grand South if food assistance is not sustained, 2022.

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