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Review and Publish a Report

Review Report Webpage and PDF

After building your report, select the Save and Preview button to view the report webpage. Review both the report webpage and the web-generated PDF (using the Download the Report button) before publishing. Use the checklist below and the troubleshooting information to guide your review. 

  • Check the visualizations:
    • Check AFI map. Are the current situation and the near term/medium term maps displaying the correct data both on the webpage and web-generated PDF?
    • Check the HFA map. Are the wheatbags displaying correctly? Is it displayed as a full page grid at the end of the PDF?
    • Check other data visualizations are rendering, with correct data, on the webpage and PDF.
  • Check images:
    • Ensure the Seasonal Calendar is full page and has no figure label.
    • Ensure all figure labels are correct.
  • Check text formatting:
    • Check that text is left aligned and not justified on both the webpage and PDF.
    • Check for obviously erroneous formatting (i.e. full paragraphs that look hyperlinked but are not).
    • Check all headings to ensure they are formatted correctly (i.e., NOT in all caps or italicized).
  • If report includes endnotes, check that the endnote is correctly numbered in the text, in a superscript format, and that the endnote numbers line up accurately with the endnotes at the bottom of the webpage. 
  • Check that the report includes a recommended citation, if applicable. The Add Automatic Citation block should be placed at the end of the report, before any endnotes.
  • Ensure the Email distribution date to website subscribers field in the Metadata tab matches today’s date to trigger a MailChimp email blast, or uses a past date to back-date the report.
  • Flag any formatting issues in the web-generated PDF to Nour and Laura in the D9 CMS Support Teams Channel, or reach out to the Hub.

Publish the Report

  1. From the Edit tab, toggle the Publish button on (button should appear green). 

  2. Click Save and Preview.

  3. Congrats, you’re all set posting this report!

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