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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guidelines

SEO descriptions are important because they produce more informative results provided to users of public search engines. Without proper SEO descriptions, FEWS NET information may be difficult to find through a web search.

SEO Description Field Guidelines 

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Description field is your opportunity to provide additional, necessary detail about the report that is not contained in its title.

Additional detail options to include in the form of a short sentence or two:

  1. Area or region covered by the report (global, region, country).

  2. Kind of report.

  3. Details unique to the report.

  4. Period the report covers, its publication date or any other germane date.

Templates and Examples

In the example templates below, each report is summarized in one sentence, as short as possible. 

Replace the italicized words in the below examples with the appropriate words, region, country names, date/time periods and/or details specific to that report.

Alert (Food Security Alert)

  • This Alert describes food security conditions in Somalia for the October to December 2022 projection period.

  • This Alert described food security conditions in Ethiopia for the August to early 2021 projection period.

Climate Change

  • This Climate Change report identifies significant decreases in rainfall and increases in air temperature across Chad, especially in the eastern part of the country.

  • This Climate Change report identifies a substantial recovery of rainfall in Niger, accompanied by increases in air temperatures.

Cross Border Trade Bulletin

  • This Cross Border Trade Bulletin summarizes informal trade across selected borders of Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Sudan and DRC, for the period ending April 2021.

Cross Border Trade Report

  • This Cross Border Trade report documents trade in East Africa, for the period ending April 2021.

Enhanced Market Analysis

  • This Enhanced Market Analysis report, published September 2018, presents findings to inform regular market monitoring and analysis in southern Madagascar.

Food Assistance Outlook Brief

  • This global Food Assistance Outlook Brief summarizes a forward-looking analysis of projected emergency food assistance needs in FEWS NET coverage countries for the May 2023 projection period.

Food Security Brief

  • This Food Security Brief provides information about the agriculture, climate, economy, geography, geopolitical situation, livelihood zones, nutritional and health status, and population of Angola.

  • This Food Security Brief provides information about the agriculture, climate, economy, geography, geopolitical situation, livelihood zones, nutritional and health status, and population of Zambia.

Food Security Outlook

  • This Food Security Outlook report describes food security conditions in Cameroon for the October 2021 to May 2022 projection period.

Food Security Outlook Update

  • This Food Security Outlook Update report covers current conditions as well as changes to the projected outlook for food insecurity in Burundi for the 2022 B Season harvest projection period.

  • This Food Security Outlook Update report covers current conditions as well as changes to the projected outlook for food insecurity in Mali for the December 2021 to May 2022 projection period.

Global Weather Hazards

  • This Global Weather Hazards report summarizes weather conditions across FEWS NET monitored regions for the week ending October 27, 2022.

Guidance Documents

  • This Guidance Document describes FEWS NET’s methodology for developing price projections for staple food commodities.

Key Message Update

  • This Key Message Update provides brief details about food security outcomes, livelihoods and meteorological conditions in Southern Africa for the October 2022 to January 2023 projection period.

Livelihood Zone Baseline Profile

  • This Livelihood Zone Baseline Profile describes the livelihood zone conditions and reference data for the GT06 Western Highlands zone in Guatemala.

  • This Livelihood Zone Baseline Profile describes the livelihood zone conditions and reference data for the Galkayo Addun Pastoral zone in Somalia.

Livelihood Zone Description

  • This Livelihood Zone Description includes the map and descriptions of zones in Burundi, based on secondary data reviews and workshops.

Livelihood Zone Map

  • This Livelihood Zone Map shows the percentage of poor households’ annual income in Haiti from the sale of firewood and charcoal.

Livelihood Zone Profiles

  • This Livelihood Zone Profile report, published December 2010, includes a national livelihood zone map and profiles that describe the major characteristics of each for Zimbabwe.

Livelihood Zones

  • This Livelihood Zone Map shows the regions and livelihoods for Chad.

Market Fundamentals

  • This Market Fundamentals report, published March 2018, presents findings to inform regular market monitoring and analysis in Haiti.

  • This regional Market Fundamentals report, published February 24, 2017, provides an overview of typical production and market behavior in Central America staple grains markets.

Price Bulletin

  • This Price Bulletin report, for the period ending July 2021, provides current and historic staple food price data for Honduras.

  • This Price Bulletin report, for the period ending May 2018, provides current and historic staple food price data for Niger.

[Specific] Price Bulletin

This Livestock Price Bulletin, for the period ending July 2021, provides current and historic staple food price data on livestock for Somalia.

Price Watch

  • This Global Price Watch report provides an update on market and price trends for staple food prices in selected reference markets, for August 2022.

Production and Trade Flow Map

  • This Production and Trade Flow Map provides a summary of the geography of marketing systems relevant to the millet supply in Burkina Faso.

Remote Monitoring Report

  • The Remote Monitoring report covers current conditions as well as changes to the projected outlook for food insecurity in Cameroon, for the December 2018 to May 2019 projection period.

Seasonal Calendar

  • This Seasonal Calendar shows the rain/lean periods and harvest/non-harvest activities across a typical year for Liberia.

Seasonal Monitor

  • This Seasonal Monitor report provides updated meteorological information for Somalia, for the November 5-10, 2022, projection period.

  • This Seasonal Monitor report provides updated meteorological information for East Africa, for the period ending March 29, 2019 and a short-term forecast for the following two weeks.

Seasonal Monitoring Calendar

  • This Seasonal Monitoring Calendar provides data about key variables to monitor within livelihood zones in Mozambique.

Special Report

  • This Special Report, published November 2021, provides detailed information on the coffee sector in Central America.

  • The Special Report, published May 2007, includes information to help improve food security analysis, early warning and the estimation of food needs in Afghanistan.

Supply and Market Outlook

  • This Cereal Supply and Market Outlook report provides detailed information on current and projected cereal food supply and price trends in Haiti, for the 2021/2022 projection period.

  • This Regional Supply and Market Outlook report provides detailed information on current and projected food supply and price trends for West Africa, for the 2017/2018 projection period.

Targeted Analysis

  • This Targeted Analysis of Ukraine, published September 30, 2022, was conducted by the FEWS NET Early Warning Team in response to ongoing events in the region.

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