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Standard Visualizations

The CMS can generate various interactive maps and charts from published data in the FDW and display them on the website.

Each food security report will always include an AFI map data visualization (and HFA/wheat bag map data visualization, as applicable). Detailed guidance for building an AFI map for food security reports can be found in the example FSOU report in this guidance. 

For all other data visualizations, please reference tailored guidance on these pages.

* = typically required for reports
+ = typically required for country and region pages

Standard Visualization Fields

Internal Title: This field is optional and will not show up in the report. You may use it to help you quickly identify a specific visualization in your report in the CMS.

*+Alt Text: Provide a brief description of what the visualization shows. Learn more about writing alt text for FEWS NET visualizations.

*Show Figure Label: If the visualization is referred to in the text of the report and needs a figure number (i.e. Figure 1), make sure this toggle is turned on. Keep this toggle off for visualizations being used in country and region pages.

*+Pick a visualization type: Choose a visualization type.

Note: Ignore the “Display USAID and FEWS NET logos” check box. This determination is made automatically by the system.


Click on the name of a visualization below to learn more about the visualization and available parameters.

Food Insecurity Maps

Global Home Page Map

Map used only on the home page that contains FIC, FIPE and Peak Needs data.

Acute Food Insecurity Map

Map with timeline that displays food security outcomes together with the near and medium term projections. Normally the first (standard FEWS NET) and last item (to show HFA data) on all Food Security reports (FSO, FSOU, KMU).

Acute Food Insecurity Map.png

Area of Concern Map

Map that displays areas on concern in a specified country or region.

Area of Concern Map.png

Key Risk Drivers Map

Map that is able to display a number of layers, each displaying a factor that may lead to acute food insecurity.

Key Drivers Map.png

Static Acute Food Insecurity Map

Map that displays a single scenario (current food security outcomes, near term projection, or medium term projection).

Static Food Insecurity Map.png

Markets and Trades Visualizations

Annual Coefficient of Price Variation Bar Chart for multiple market products

Bar chart with annual coefficient of variability of prices for selected data series.

Annual Coefficient of Price Variation Bar Chart for Multiple Market Products.png

Annual Coefficient of Price Variation Line Chart for a single market product

Line chart with annual coefficient of variability for the selected Market Product.

Coefficient of Price Variation Line Chart for a single market product.png

Commodity Import Export Annual Bar Chart

Bar chart of annual exports or imports for a specific country and product.

Commodity Import Export Annual Bar Chart.png

Commodity Price Change Bar Chart

Bar chart with price trends for selected data series.

Commodity Price Change Bar Chart.png

Commodity Price Change Line Chart

Line chart comparing multiple Market Prices.

Commodity Price Change Line Chart.png

Commodity Price Change Map

Map of markets with the price change of specified products over the selected period for each market.

Commodity Price Change Map.png

Exchange Rate Comparison Chart

Line chart comparing Exchange Rate values with each other.

Exchange Rate Comparison Chart.png

Markets Map

Map that displays key markets in a country or region.

Markets Map.png

Single Price Bulletin Chart

Combination line and bar chart showing commodity prices in the current year, the previous year, and a historic range (2-year or 5-year average).

Single price bulletin.png

Terms of Trade Bar Chart

Bar chart comparing the actual and 2- or 5-year average Price Ratios for selected product in selected markets on selected date.

Terms of Trade Bar Chart.png

Terms of Trade vs Price Combined Chart

Combined bar/line chart with the market price of a selected product as bars and a price ratio for that product as lines.

Terms of Trade vs Price Combined Chart.png


Remote Sensing Map

Map with remote sensing data from the USGS GeoEngine API.

Remote Sensing Map.png

User Selected Remote Sensing Map

Map with remote sensing data from the USGS GeoEngine API that allows the user to toggle between map layers.

User Selected Remote Sensing Map.png


Countries We Monitor Map

Map only used on the About Us page that shows the countries FEWS NET monitors.

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