Area of Concern Map
The Area of Concern visualization is a map that displays areas of concern in a specified country or region. This visualization is normally used in food security reports.
Use the following guidelines to create an Area of Concern Map.
* = typically required for reports
Standard visualization fields
Internal Title: This field is optional and will not show up in the report. You may use it to help you quickly identify a specific visualization in your report in the CMS.
*Alt Text: Provide a brief description of what the visualization shows. Learn more about writing alt text for FEWS NET visualizations.
*Show Figure Label: If the visualization is referred to in the text of the report and needs a figure number (i.e. Figure 1), make sure this toggle is turned on.
*Pick a visualization type: Choose Area of Concern Map.
Visualization specific fields
*Unit of concern: Select your area of concern. You can use the search box to search for an area. This unit will be mapped in purple.
Geographic unit to zoom to: By default, this map will zoom to the selected unit of concern or geographic group. You can use this field to change the default zoom to another geographic unit.
*Select country/Select geographic group: Either a country or geographic group is required. Do not select both a country and a geographic group.
The selected country or geographic group will be mapped in white. Any area outside of this selection and the unit of concern will be mapped in gray.
Auto-generated fields
All of these fields will be automatically generated but can be overridden if desired.
Visualization title: The auto-generated title will be formatted as follows:
Formula | Examples | |
Title | Area of concern reference map for {Unit of concern. If there are many units of concern, the selected country or geographic group will be shown instead.} | Area of concern reference map for Northeastern Pastoral Zone, Kenya Area of concern reference map for Kenya |
Disclaimer: By default, there is no disclaimer for these maps unless this map is for Ethiopia. In that case, it will contain the standard disclaimer about Ethiopia administrative boundaries.
Source Attribution: The auto-generated source attribution is a compilation of the data source organization names stored in FDW for the data used to create the map.
Generate the visualization
*Generate URL: Click this button once you have filled out the fields above to generate the visualization. The system will provide a thumbnail of the visualization and a URL where you can preview the visualization. Note: It may take a minute to generate the thumbnail image. Make sure you allow the thumbnail to load before saving the visualization.
The system will automatically populate the remaining fields: Data Visualization Type, Primary URL, Image URL, and JSON Configuration. These SHOULD NOT be edited.
PDF formatting options
Show full width in PDF: By default, this toggle should be turned off. You may want to show a visualization in full width if you have a very detailed chart that needs to be larger than 50% of the page width.
Float Position: Sets the orientation data visualizations that are not full width. Defaults to Right. For side-by-side images, set the first image to Left. For full width images, set to None.