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Single Price Bulletin Chart

The Single Price Bulletin Chart displays a combination line and bar chart showing commodity prices in the current year, the previous year, and a historic range (2-year or 5-year average).

Use the following guidelines to create a Single Price Bulletin chart.

* = typically required for reports

Standard Visualization Fields

Internal Title: This field is optional and will not show up in the report. You may use it to help you quickly identify a specific visualization in your report in the CMS.

*Alt Text: Provide a brief description of what the visualization shows. Learn more about writing alt text for FEWS NET visualizations.

*Show Figure Label: If the visualization is referred to in the text of the report and needs a figure number (i.e. Figure 1), make sure this toggle is turned on. Turn this toggle off for visualizations being used in country and region pages.

*Pick a visualization type: Choose the Single Price Bulletin Chart.

Visualization Specific Fields

*Data Selection Fields

A data series selection is required for this chart.

Data series: You can select multiple data series by holding down the CTRL button.

Date Range Fields

*Historic range for percent change: Choose whether you want to compare prices to a 2-year or 5-year average. If not selected, this will default to the option with the greatest number of data points. If they number of data points is the same, it will default to 5-year average.

*Period end: A period end date is needed to ensure that new data after the report date isn’t included automatically. This date should be entered as the last day of the report month.

If the visualization is being used on a country or a region page, rather than in a report, then the period end should be left blank so that the visualization updates automatically as new data is published.

Start month: This is normally left blank but can be used to limit the data shown on the chart. If using, enter a start date as the first day of the month.


Add country name: Check this box to append the country name to the title. This may be useful in a regional report.

Auto-Generated Fields

All of these fields will be automatically generated but can be overridden if desired.

Visualization title: The auto-generated title and subtitle will be formatted as follows:




Change in {Product} Prices in {selected market/markets}

Change in Maize/corn grain Prices in Selected Markets in Kenya


{Period month} compared to last month, last year, and {Historic range}

September 2022 compared to last month, last year, and 5-year average

Disclaimer: This is blank by default for this chart. However, it can be used to add a custom disclaimer when required (e.g., to explain missing data).

Source Attribution: The auto-generated source attribution is a compilation of the data source organization names stored in FDW for the data used to create the visualization.

Generate the Visualization

*Generate URL: Click this button once you have filled out the fields above to generate the visualization. The system will provide a thumbnail of the visualization and a URL where you can preview the visualization. Note: It may take a minute to generate the thumbnail image. Make sure you allow the thumbnail to load before saving the visualization.

The system will automatically populate the remaining fields: Data Visualization Type, Primary URL, Image URL, and JSON Configuration. These SHOULD NOT be edited.

PDF Formatting Options

Show full width in PDF: By default, this toggle should be turned off. You may want to show a visualization in full width if you have a very detailed chart that needs to be larger than 50% of the page width.

Float Position: Sets the orientation data visualizations that are not full width. Defaults to Right. For side-by-side images, set the first image to Left. For full width images, set to None.

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