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Remote Sensing Map

The Remote Sensing Map is a map with remote sensing data from the USGS GeoEngine API. This visualization is normally used for Seasonal Monitors, Weather Hazards reports, and Food Security Outlook reports as required.

Use the following guidelines to create a Remote Sensing Map.

* = typically required for reports

Standard Visualization Fields

Internal Title: This field is optional and will not show up in the report. You may use it to help you quickly identify a specific visualization in your report in the CMS.

*Alt Text: Provide a brief description of what the visualization shows. Learn more about writing alt text for FEWS NET visualizations.

*Show Figure Label: If the visualization is referred to in the text of the report and needs a figure number (i.e. Figure 1), make sure this toggle is turned on. Turn this toggle off for visualizations being used in country and region pages.

*Pick a visualization type: Choose Remote Sensing Map.

Visualization Specific Fields

Map Data

*Data layer: The data layer is mandatory to create a remote sensing visualization. The names of the data layers contain the following information:

  • Data source: e.g., CHIRPS, ETAV5, EVIIRSNDVI, FLDAS, SWE, RFE2, WRSI

  • Country/region: Global, or a specific country or region covered by the data

  • Period length: Day, pentad, dekad, month, 2 month, 3 month

  • Data calculation type: Anomaly (ANOM), data, mean, median, percent of mean (PCTM), percent of normal (PCTN), z-score

  • Most recent data period: The dates in parentheses denote period of the most recent data available. This information is useful to set the period start date (see below).

Note: CHIRPS GEFS and CHIRPS PRELIM data is a forecast that is updated each period. These data sources should not be used in a report as historical data is regularly removed.

Country/Region Fields

Country and geographic group fields are optional and should not be used for global reports. When selected, these will show data only for a specific country or region. Do not select both a country and a geographic group.

Select a country: Select a country if you are creating a country report.

Select a geographic group: Select a geographic group if you are creating a regional report.

Date Field

*Period Start Date: For reports, indicate a period start date. For country and region pages, leave this field blank.

Auto-Generated Fields

All of these fields will be automatically generated but can be overridden if desired.

*Visualization title: The title is auto-generated using the data layer name, which is auto-generated using the title published by GeoEngine. This title is not normally sufficient for use on the website and will likely need to be updated. For example, an auto-generated title of “Afghanistan RFE2 Anomaly 3-Monthly”, might be changed to “Satellite Estimated Rainfall 3-Month Anomaly in Afghanistan.”

Disclaimer: By default, there is no disclaimer for these maps unless this map is for Ethiopia. In that case, it will contain the standard disclaimer about Ethiopia administrative boundaries.

Source Attribution: The auto-generated source attribution is USGS/FEWS NET. The GeoEngine does not publish the original source of the data, so for other sources, e.g. NOAA/CPC, this should be specified manually.

Generate the Visualization

*+Generate URL: Click this button once you have filled out the fields above to generate the visualization. The system will provide a thumbnail of the visualization and a URL where you can preview the visualization. Note: It may take a minute to generate the thumbnail image. Make sure you allow the thumbnail to load before saving the visualization.

The system will automatically populate the remaining fields: Data Visualization Type, Primary URL, Image URL, and JSON Configuration. These SHOULD NOT be edited.

PDF Formatting Options

Show full width in PDF: By default, this toggle should be turned off. You may want to show a visualization in full width if you have a very detailed chart that needs to be larger than 50% of the page width.

Float Position: Sets the orientation data visualizations that are not full width. Defaults to Right. For side-by-side images, set the first image to Left. For full width images, set to None.

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