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Add Section Title

Section title content blocks will appear in the left hand navigation of the report. For accessibility, only first level headings should be added as section titles.

To add a section title, select the Add Section Title content block and type in the relevant report section title.

Headings should not be in all caps. Title case rules per the new branding are:

  • For short titles (up to 5 or 6 words) use title case and capitalize all major words (e.g., Seasonal Calendar for a Typical Year or Current Situation)

  • For longer titles use sentence case and capitalize on the first word and proper nouns (e.g., Most likely food security outcomes and areas receiving significant levels of humanitarian food assistance)

More examples and guidance are in the chart below.

Subheadings under the report section titles should be included with body text in the Section content block, starting with the Heading 3 level.

Some reports may have non-standard section titles not listed below. 

*The Key Messages section title is added to the report automatically using the Key Messages content block. See Add Key Messages for more details.

Report Type

Standard Report Section Titles


  1. *Key Messages

  2. Analysis in Brief 

  3. Food Security Context

  4. Current food security conditions as of current situation Month YYYY

  5. Analysis of key food and cash income sources

  6. Humanitarian Food Assistance

  7. Current acute food insecurity outcomes

  8. Key assumptions about atypical food security conditions through Month YYYY

  9. Projected acute food insecurity outcomes through Month YYYY

  10. Events that may change projected acute food insecurity outcomes

  11. Annex: Area of concern snapshot

  12. Annex: Most likely food security outcomes and areas receiving significant levels of humanitarian assistance


  1. *Key Messages

  2. Current Situation

  3. Seasonal Calendar for a Typical Year

  4. Updated Assumptions 

  5. Projected Outlook Through Month YYYY

  6. Most Likely Food Security Outcomes

  7. Most likely food security outcomes and areas receiving significant levels of humanitarian food assistance


  1. *Key Messages

  2. Current and Projected Anomalies

  3. Seasonal Calendar for a Typical Year

  4. Projected Outlook Through Month YYYY

  5. Most Likely Food Security Outcomes

Seasonal Monitor

  1. *Key Messages

  2. Update on Seasonal Progress

  3. Forecast 

These titles can be replaced with or added in addition to any other regionally focused subtitles for CAC and SA SMs.

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