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Add Key Messages

There are two options for adding Key Messages to a report. Choose one or the other; do not use both.

Add Key Messages Multi

This option allows you to enter all key messages into one content block.

  1. From the Content tab in the CMS Create Report editor, select the Add Key Messages Mulit content block. 

    1. Follow the copy/paste instructions and copy your key message text (all bullet points) into the field. Reference endnote instructions, if applicable. 

  2. Proceed according to report type:

    1. If posting a Key Message Update, add a citation then review and publish.

    2. For other report types, move to Add Section Title and Add Section Content.

Add Key Messages (Legacy)

This option requires you to add each key message bullet into its own content block.

Do not use this option for a new report. If editing an older report that uses this block, reference the following tips:

  1. If you see a bullet within a key message, delete it. Otherwise you will see double bullets on the webpage and PDF if this step is skipped, as the CMS applies its own bullet point automatically.

  2. Reference endnote instructions, if applicable. 

  3. Click the Add another item button within the Key Messages content block to add the next key message and repeat as needed. Each key message must be placed into its own field.

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