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Add a Visualization

The CMS can generate several different types of data visualizations. These visualizations are maps and charts that the CMS creates with published data in the FDW and makes them interactive on the website. 

Detailed guidance for building AFI and HFA maps for reports can be found below. For all other data visualizations, please reference tailored guidance in the Standard Visualizations section.

AFI and HFA Maps

Use the settings below to create AFI and HFA maps for reports.

If you need to edit the AFI or HFA map visualizations, you will notice the collection data field will go blank. Despite this, the information will remain captured. You can confirm this by viewing the date under the field box. It should reflect the date you originally input into this field.

Once you make changes, you must click the Generate the URL button again to actualize those changes. 

AFI Map (with timeline)

Before building this data visualization, food security data, including IDP and Wheat Bag Maps must be uploaded and published in the FDW, or the maps will not generate.

  1. Select the Add data Visualization content button.

  2. Internal Title: Set a title “AFI maps” for reference to help you identify the data visualization within the report builder. This title won’t show up on the report. 

  3. Alt Text: Provide alternative text summarizing the CS and projected AFI. Reference guidance on writing alt text here.

  4. Show Figure Label: Skip (button is off by default and should appear gray).

  5. Visualization type: Select Acute Food Insecurity Map from the drop-down menu. A bug in the site is causing the page to scroll down after you make a selection. Scroll up to ensure you’re not missing any fields. 

  6. Country: Select the appropriate option for a country report. Leave this bank for a regional report.

  7. Geographic Group: Select the appropriate option for a regional report. Leave this bank for a country report.

  8. Collection Date: Type in the first day of the reporting month as MM/01/YYYY (e.g., 10/01/2022 for an October FSO). The date must be set as the first day of the reporting month to ensure the map displays correct data. 
    Note: Please make sure you input the correct reporting month for regional maps since these reports are posted a month later.

  9. Start Date: Skip (leave blank).

  10. Select one or more scenarios: Skip to include all available scenarios (CS, ML1, and ML2) on the web-generated PDF as applicable to the report type.

    1. For Food Security Outlooks: When building the AFI visualization for the Key Messages section of an FSO, select the Near Term Projection and Medium Term Projection options to exclude the Current Situation static image from the first page of the PDF.

  11. Select static maps layout type: This field affects how the maps display on the web-generated PDF.

    1. For all reports: Select Vertical from the drop-down menu. 

  12. Show HFA data: Skip.

  13. Visualization title: Skip (automatically generated).

  14. Disclaimer: Skip (automatically generated).

  15. Source attribution: Skip (automatically generated)

  16. Display USAID and FEWS NET logos: Skip. This determination is made automatically by the system.

  17. Click the Generate URL button and wait for the URL to populate the AFI map.

  18. Click on the URL and review to confirm the maps are accurate. You can also share the link with anyone who has access to the FDW to review. 

  19. Show full-width in PDF: Skip (used for HFA maps only)

  20. Float Position: Leave as Right for all reports.

Single Scenario AFI Map

Use the same process and settings as the AFI map above except for the following:

  1. Select a scenario: Select one scenario (Current Situation, Near Term Projection, or Medium Term Projection) as applicable to the report type.

    1. For all FSOs: Select Current Situation when building this visualization for the current acute food insecurity outcomes section.


Use the same process and settings as the AFI map above except for the following:

Layout and HFA Settings

  1. Select static maps layout type: Choose Grid.

  2. Show HFA data: Check the box to display HFA data.

Full Width and Float Position Settings

  1. Show full-width in PDF: Click to toggle on (button should appear green).

  2. Float Position: Choose None.

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