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July 2023: Consolidation and Visualization

Recent updates to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse include new ways to consolidate and visualize data through two additional dashboards in the Data Analysis module. Read on to learn about the Data Freshness Dashboard and Sudan Conflict Map, as well as notable bug fixes included in the latest release.

Data Freshness Dashboard

You can use the Data Freshness Dashboard to check the current status of data collections across multiple data source documents, including identifying scheduled data collections that are missing.

A demonstration of the Data Freshness Dashboard.

Learn more about using the Data Freshness Dashboard.

Conflict Multilayer Map

The Sudan Conflict Map uses data from ACLED and IOM to visualize conflict and migration flow in Sudan beginning in April 2023. You can also layer the conflict and migration flow map views onto visualizations of FIC near term projected outcomes, population data, and trade flow data for the country.

A demonstration of the Sudan Conflict Map.

Learn more about using the Sudan Conflict Map.

Bug Fixes

This release includes fixes for the following issues reported by users:

  • An explicit error has been added when the livelihood zone type mapping is missing upon uploading shapefiles in FDW, in response to difficulty uploading a shapefile with values that could not be mapped.

  • Fixed a user-reported issue adding a new product to FDW. 

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