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August 2023: New Dashboard Views

The 23.08 release to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse includes the new Trade Partner Dependency Explorer dashboard, as well as updates to the Crop Production dashboard and Sudan Conflict Map. Read on to learn more about these updates as well as recent bug fixes.

Updates and New Features

Trade Partner Dependency Explorer

The new Trade Partner Dependency Explorer dashboard allows you to view products imported by specified countries, as well as which countries are exporting those products. Learn more about the options and visualizations in the Trade Partner Dependency dashboard.

Filter Crop Production by Product

The Crop Production dashboard has been updated to allow you filter data by product or by country. Use the collection of interactive graphs and maps to analyze crop production over time. Learn more about the options and visualizations in the Crop Production dashboard.

Sudan Conflict Map Updates

New Wheat, Sorghum, and Millet Grain Trade Flow layers were added to the Sudan conflict map. In addition, design changes were made to the user interface of the Sudan Conflict Map to improve the language, object placement, and icons.

Popular Actions

The Popular Actions section on the home page of the FDW now populates based on your activity. When you log in, this box will display your most frequently viewed pages.

Bug Fixes

This release includes fixes for the following issues reported by users:

  • Fixed an issue where an owner cannot be selected for a new data set if the user does not belong to a field office group and is a member of the National Technical Managers & Regional Market Specialist groups. Now, the current user can be selected as the owner.

  • Added validation error reporting for the Kobo price and exchange rate data ingestion pipelines in FDW.

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