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Frequently Asked Questions


I don’t know what “x” field means. Is there a glossary?

Check our definitions and standards page for links to an acronym list, glossary, list of standards used in the system, and metadata glossary. If you are working on a specific data domain, check out the specific domain page for a full list of definitions of words used on that page.

Are there restrictions on how I use the data from the FEWS NET Data Explorer or the FEWS NET website?

Check out our data and information use and attribution policy for more information.


How do I connect with the FEWS NET Data Warehouse API?

The FEWS NET Data Warehouse has a comprehensive REST API that can be used to access data stored in the data warehouse. For detailed guidance see our API connection guide.

Spatial Domain

How can I extract population estimates data from the Spatial domain?

The Customize menu in the Spatial domain allows you to extract population estimates. Under Population Data in the Customize menu, select Include population estimates. Learn more about accessing and using the customization options in the Spatial domain.

How can I extract all the attributes associated with a shapefile from the spatial domain?

The Customize menu in the Spatial domain allows you to extract shapefile attributes. Under Include Shapefile Attributes in the Customize menu, select Yes. Learn more about accessing and using the customization options in the Spatial domain.

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