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August 28, 2023 Release Notes

The following list of tasks and features for the FEWS NET website are included in the Sprint 35 release.

Note: Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) affect the user interface for creating and editing reports in the CMS.

Tasks and Features

Region/Country page updates

Custom Latest Key Message Update block for region pages (FNW-1122)

This content block has been updated so that it highlights Food Security reports rather than all recent reports. It is placed near the top of the region pages on the website. 

Remove FAOB from Related Analysis Food Security view (Country pages) (FNW-1059)

The Food Assistance Outlook Brief has been removed from the Food Security Related Analysis view on the country pages, as it is being featured on a separate page on the website. Only Food Security reports will display in this view. 

Report Editor updates

*Auto add <nolink> in report image source fields (FNW-1088)

The field for Image Source URL is now pre-populated with <nolink>, which eliminates the need for analysts to populate that field when adding an image to a report. This field can be changed if an analyst does wish to use a specific URL for an image source. 

*Change “authored on” report field title and help text (FNW-1142)

The “authored on” field in report metadata is now labeled “Email distribution date to website subscribers.” This is the field that should be used to include a report in the Mailchimp email distribution to website subscribers. 

*CK Editor 5 (FNW-1064)

The WYSIWYG editor for reports was updated to use CK Editor 5. This editor makes it easier to copy and paste from Microsoft Word, keeping the styles intact. Updated guidance on copying and pasting from Word is available. There are also updates and changes to the editor experience when working with tables that can be reviewed here


Update translated text in Drupal (FNW-1100)

The translated text for report types, regions, and dates was reviewed for accuracy and updated as needed.

Update FEWS NET [Region] field (FNW-1124)

The report PDFs include a field in the lower right corner that specifies the region for the report. The region has been translated for all available languages. 

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