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Using the Home Page

The home page of the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW) has several dynamic widgets that can make using the system more efficient.

Welcome to the Data Warehouse

The Welcome to the Data Warehouse widget gives a general description about the Data Warehouse with some links for more information.

Beneath the general description, links to Learn More About the FDE and View release notes are displayed in green.

Popular actions

The Popular actions widget shows your most visited admin pages of the system and provides quick links to these pages.

The quick links displayed are Add a new Data Collection, Edit Data Collections, Offline Data Uploads and Open Data Source Documents

My recent actions

The My recent actions widget allows you to view your recent activity in the system and quickly jump to that item.

Four links are displayed in green.

Related services

The Related services widget provides links to other services within the FEWS NET Data Platform.

There are green buttons with white text for the FEWS NET Data Explorer, USGS Remote Sensing, and the FEWS NET website.
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