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About the FEWS NET Data Warehouse

About the FEWS NET Data Management Platform

The FEWS NET Data Platform is the central storage location and access portal for data relied upon by FEWS NET in its work in food security and early warning analysis. The Platform has two primary sub-components: the Data Explorer and Data Warehouse.

  • Data Explorer: Focused on access, the Data Explorer system provides users with search and filter functions to quickly find, review, and download data routinely used in FEWS NET’s food security and early warning analysis.

  • Data Warehouse: Focused on storage, the Data Warehouse system provides the functionality needed to store key datasets routinely used in FEWS NET’s food security and early warning analysis.

About the FEWS NET Data Warehouse

The FEWS NET Data Warehouse is the primary data storage location for all data viewable within the Data Explorer and other Data Platform modules. For an overview of the entire system infrastructure, visit Key Concepts and Architecture.

In more technical terms, the Warehouse system is an online information tool that provides a framework for enhanced data management, accessibility, and security for the key datasets routinely used in FEWS NET’s food security and early warning analysis.

Built-in analytical tools allow for simple analyses and enable data exploration through tabular, graphical, and map visualizations.

The FEWS NET Data Warehouse also imports data from external sources and integrates it with preexisting internal data. This structure allows for the integration of key datasets in order to perform rigorous, multidimensional analysis. This highly valuable functionality is made possible thanks to a highly monitored and extensive database of common metadata and geospatial references.

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