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September 2022 Release Notes

The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 22.09 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

FDE Refresh

The Data Explorer refresh is being rolled out to all users over the next month. Read more about what you can expect from the refreshed FDE. The refresh includes several new features added during this sprint, most notably:


Data pipeline updates

IMF data and FEWS NET cross border trade data from KoBoTooolbox are now being automatically ingested into the FDW.

  • Test IMF Data Pipeline and Support EWT with Access to it (DATA-1611)

  • XBT Ingestion pipeline from Kobo toolbox (DATA-1669)

Shapefile updates

Updates were made to food insecurity geographic data to remove empty datasets and apply name changes.

User permissions

A variety of updates have been made to user and group permissions in FDW, including adding new geographic unit import and export permissions.

  • Updates to existing user and group permissions (DATA-1635)

  • Add geographic unit import & export permissions to the list of permissions (DATA-1891)

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