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6 terms

Net marketing margin

The price spread minus the costs associated with either moving a commodity from one location to another or storing the commodity over time. A measure used to assess the price arbitrage incentives.

Network development

A dedicated effort to strengthen cooperation and linkages among food security partners.

Niche market

A market associated with a special attribute of a product.

Nominal prices

Prices that have not been adjusted for inflation. The nominal price is equal to the money that is paid for a unit of a good or service in the market, at the shop, etc.

Normal conditions

The typical or average range of attributes, characteristics, or relationships (e.g., weather, market behavior, livelihoods, etc.). They provide a framework, baseline, or reference period that can be compared to current and/or projected conditions.

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

A vegetation index commonly used as an indicator of drought. NDVI is a measure of vegetation greenness calculated by a normalized ratio between red and near infrared (NIR) radiation. Healthy, photosynthetic vegetation reflect NIR radiation and absorb red light in the visible spectrum.

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