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Using the Home Page

The home page of the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE) has several dynamic widgets that can make using the system more efficient.

Support Widget

The Support widget is actually available in the lower right hand corner of all pages of the FDE. You can use this widget to search for and read support articles and to submit help tickets without having to leave the site.

The support widget is a green button with Support written in white text.

Search User Datasets

The Search User Datasets widget allows you to quickly search for and download datasets across all data domains. You will only see results for datasets you have permission to access.

This widget searches across domain, dataset name and ID, metadata, descriptions, visibility, and owner username.

You can refine your search using operators such as quotation marks, the word or, or a minus sign. See the Search and Filter page for details.

Clicking on the name of a dataset or the CSV download button will download a .csv file of the dataset.

The Search User Datasets widget includes a search bar and datasets in alphabetical order.

My Top Pages

The My Top Pages widget allows you to quickly access your top three most visited domains and top three most visited datasets.

As a new user, you will see the most frequently visited domains and datasets across all FDE users. As you use the FDE, this widget will update accordingly.

Clicking on the name of a domain will bring you to that domain page. Clicking on the name of a dataset will load the dataset.

The My Top Pages widget lists top domains and datasets.


The FEWS NET Latest widget allows you to easily keep track of the latest FEWS NET news and reports.

There are two sections to this widget:

  • Current Updates contains links to the newest reports on high priority countries, special alerts, press releases, and other significant communications.

  • Get More contains links to FEWS NET social media accounts.

FEWS NET Latest widget.png

Knowledge Base Articles

The Knowledge Base Articles widget allows you to easily access the FDE knowledge base.

New articles regularly appear in this list to highlight important updates and changes.

Direct links are provided to the Getting Started Guide, as well as resources such as Frequently Asked Questions and Definitions and Standards.

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