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Search and Filter

Search and filter are domain specific. Text search and filter options are specific to each domain and do not work across domains. For example, searching for “Mortality rates” in the Price domain will yield “Nothing found” since mortality rates are included only in the Nutrition domain.

When performing a search, results appear ordered by relevance. You can refine your search using operators such as single or double quotation marks, the word or, or a minus sign.

The table below contains examples of how to use these search operators. 



vegetable oil

results that contain those words in any order

“vegetable oil”

only results that include that exact phrase

“sunflower oil” “palm oil”

only results containing both phrases

“sunflower oil” or “palm oil”

results that contain either phrase

‘vegetable oil’ -‘palm oil’ 

results about vegetable oil unless they include the phrase ‘palm oil’


Filters can be used in two ways:

  1. Begin typing a term in the filter box to narrow the possible options.

  2. Click on the filter box to browse a list of possible options.

Once you have found a relevant filter, through browsing or searching, click the box next to the filter name to use the filter on the available data.

Some filters aggregate items into multi-level lists (e.g., countries being aggregated into continents or sub-continents as shown in the image below). In these cases, selecting the higher-level item in the list will automatically select all the lower-level items in the list, as illustrated below.

Image shows the market filter with Eastern Africa expanded to show countries in that region. Below that, Somalia is expanded to show all market in the country. The Abudwak market is selected.

Choosing a single market selects only the market.

Image shows the market filter with Eastern Africa expanded to show countries in that region. Below that, Somalia is expanded to show all market in the country. Somalia and all markets under Somalia are selected.

Choosing a country selects all markets in the country.

Image shows the market filter with Eastern Africa expanded to show countries in that region. Below that, Somalia is expanded to show all market in the country. Eastern Africa and all countries and markets listed under Eastern Africa are selected.

Choosing a region selects all countries and markets in the region.

Data Series with No Data Points

Check the Include data series with zero data points box to include data series in your search where the data has not yet been uploaded to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

View Selected Filters

The Selected Filters section allows you to view all selected filters at once and remove filters more easily. This section can be collapsed so that it does not take up space on your screen when it’s not needed.

In the video demonstration, filters are selected and appear in the Selected Filters section. Filters can be removed directly from the Selected Filters by clicking the X beside the filter's name (e.g., Colombia, Costa Rica, or Dominican Republic markets). Clicking on Selected Filters will collapse and expand the section.

Reset Search

You can remove all your search and filter selections at any time using the Reset Search button.

Use the reset search button to the right of the field options to remove search criteria.

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