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Using templates

  • Links to templates may be found on the FEWS NET Exchange Intranet (staff only).

  • Always use FEWS NET document templates and do not modify the styles in any way. Upholding consistent document standards helps advance FEWS NET’s global credibility and maintains compliance with branding and marking requirements.


The following formatting standards apply to all FEWS NET internal and external written documents. There are additional standards to follow for formal reports (staff only).

Text formatting standards listed elsewhere in FEWS NET’s brand documentation also apply to documents.

Text styles

Using the appropriate template is the easiest way to guarantee correct document text styling because style systems vary between document types.

The following table contains text styles for generic, formal FEWS NET documents. Internal documents, USAID documents, and analysis reports use different heading systems that are accessible via their respective templates.



Size (pt.)

Font format


Spacing (pt.)





Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 4 before, 4 after

Open Sans




Brand Primary (#096640)

1.15, 8 before, 4 after




Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 4 before, 14 after

Normal text



Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 10 after

H1: Heading



Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 20 before, 8 after

H2: Heading



Brand Primary (#096640)

1.15, 18 before, 4 after

H3: Heading



Brand Accent (#A95B24)

1.15, 16 before, 4 after

H4: Sub-heading



Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 12 before, 6 after

H5: Sub-heading



Brand Primary (#096640)

1.15, 8 before, 4 after

Figure label



Brand Black (#212721)


Figure title



Brand Black (#212721)


Figure subtitle



Brand Black (#212721)


Figure caption



Brand Black (#212721)

1.15, 14 after

Figure Source



Brand Black (#212721)





Brand Black (#212721)


Page setup

FEWS NET uses one-inch margins for documents. Margins may be slightly decreased to allow tables or figures to fit on one page. See Paragraph layout.

Text and graphics alignment

Left justify all text. Do not indent paragraphs.

Left or right justify images and graphics. Do not center any elements on the page.


Titles should be brief, clear and descriptive. Titles should ideally fit on the first line and should be no more than two lines long. Use a subtitle if you need to convey additional detail.

  • Always write out the name of the organization in the document pre-title.

  • See Capitalization for capitalization standards.


Always use built-in heading styles to separate sections. Review your document to make sure you applied headings in a consistent and intuitive way.

  • If headings require additional punctuation beyond a comma, periods should be used (e.g., “Annex 1. Definitions”). Exceptions include the title and subtitle of a document, which may use semicolons. 

  • Headings are not numbered within text. 

  • Headings are not the place to define acronyms. Acronyms should only be defined within the body of the text.

  • Use the word "and" rather than the symbol "&" in all headings.

  • See Capitalization for capitalization standards.

Paragraph spacing and layout

Do not use hard returns to add space between text. Using the built in styles will automatically create appropriate spacing, regardless of header or text type. If built in styles can not be used, refer to the text styles table and use the specified line and paragraph spacing instead of hard returns.

In general, no page breaks should be used to separate headings. Exceptions may apply when considering the overall “look and feel” of the spacing of text, figures, and tables:

  • If a Heading 1 occurs in the bottom ¾ of the page, then a page break can be inserted.

  • If a table begins on the bottom ¾ of the page, and adding a page break will allow the table to remain whole, on a single page.

The following is verbatim guidance from the USAID Graphic Standards Manual and Partner Co-Branding Guide: “Avoid ‘widows and orphans.’ 

  • Do not end a page with a single line that begins a new paragraph. 

  • Do not begin a page with the final line of a continuing paragraph from the preceding page. 

  • Two or more lines of text must appear beneath a heading. 

  • Do not allow a heading to appear at the bottom of a page while all of its text appears at the top of the following page.”

Word spacing

Use one space after periods and other punctuation.

Leave one space after periods and colons and before Zip Codes: 

  • See Jane run. See Dick fall.

  • Items will include: (1) x; (2) y. Arlington, VA 22201

Leave one space between the abbreviations “FY”, “CY” or “MY” and the year: 

  • FY 2009; CY 2009

Leave one space after a period when it follows a number or letter that indicates enumeration (agenda items, numbered paragraphs, etc.):

  • I. Agenda Item 1

  • A. Funding Source


In-paragraph lists

Lists within the body of the text should only be used for a maximum of four listed items; otherwise, break the text into a numbered or bulleted list separated by lines.

  • For lists with less than four items, number each item using lowercase Roman numerals surrounded by parenthesis, with each item separated by a semi-colon, and with the word “and” preceding the final item. 

  • Note that the first word following the Roman numeral should be in lowercase (e.g., “(i) list” rather than “(i) List”). For example, a list should look like: (i) list item one; (ii) list item two; (iii) list item three.” 

Numbered and bulleted lists

Ordered lists should use Google Docs default numbered bullets. Unordered lists should use Google Docs default bullets. The format and spacing of bulleted or numbered lists should be consistent within the document. There should be no added space between items in a bulleted list. Spacing can be removed by selecting items within your list, then clicking Format > Line & paragraph spacing > Remove space after paragraph

If possible, no list should exceed one page or continue from one page to another with a page break in between. 

USAID requires the use of parallel structure in bulleted or numbered lists, so that each item in the list starts with either a noun or a verb. The style should be the same vertically, so that nouns and verbs are not mixed. If verbs are used, make sure that the same tense is used consistently.

List items may be given short headings using a short phrase in bold, normal text, with a period after the phrase. 

  • Example. This is an example of how to format a list item header.

Pro tip. If you use an item header for one item, remain consistent and use it for every item in the list.


Title and number 

All figures should be titled with a figure number, followed by a period, then a title (e.g., “Figure 1. The Role of the Hub”).

  • Each figure is numbered sequentially. Tables and figures maintain their own numbering and are not mixed (for example, in a document with both tables and figures intermixed, items may be numbered as Table 1, Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 2).

  • Titles are preferably no longer than a few words. Explanatory text can be added in a subtitle, the document narrative, or under a table as a caption.

Caption and source

Captions go below a figure and add additional information that can not be found in the narrative, title or subtitle. If a source is being provided, the source should come under the caption and be formatted as “Source: [insert source name].”

Alt text

Include alternative text for images, drawings, and other graphics. Otherwise, screen reader users just hear "image." Some images automatically include alt text, so it's a good idea to verify that this automatic alt text is what you want. To add or edit alt text, right click on an image, drawing, or graphic and select Alt text.


While borders around images are not required, they are recommended if placed within the body of the text or if there is substantial white page space in the text. If a border is applied, it should be 1px gray-400 (#D1D3D4).

Reference in text

Figures should be referenced in the body of the text (e.g., “See Figure 1.” or “See Figure 1 below.”). Figures should be cross-referenced and linked elsewhere in the document if mentioned more than once.

Cover pages

Most FEWS NET branded documents will not need a cover page. When needed, the cover page includes a FEWS NET logo in the upper left hand corner, a USAID logo in the upper right hand corner, report title, subtitle, and a month or submission date.

Contact us if you have an application question or recommended addition to these standards.

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