Brand Colors
Using brand colors
Brand colors are the only colors that should appear on FEWS NET products except where these standards specify otherwise.
Brand Primary and Brand Black are the two core brand colors and should appear on all FEWS NET branded materials. Brand Secondary may also be used in support of these two colors.
Brand Accent may be used sparingly for graphic elements that highlight or emphasize, while Brand Alert may be used sparingly to convey warnings or disallowed actions. Brand White is the general-use background for text and pages.
See Color Safety and Recommended Combinations for more usage guidance.
Brand Primary
R 9 G 102 B 64
Brand Black
R 33 G 39 B 33
Brand Secondary
R 189 G 219 B 214
Brand Accent
R 169 G 91 B 36
Brand Alert
R 172 G 28 B 30
Brand White
R 255 G 255 B 255
Darker and lighter shades of some brand colors are available. Always use the standard shade unless a different shade works better for a particular use case. Note that Brand Accent Light is not recommended for any use other than the FEWS NET Logo.
Finally, grays from FEWS NET’s base color palette are also included in the brand colors for use as lines, borders, background fills, and graphic elements.
Color values
Color style name | Hex value | RGB value | Token name | Base token |
Brand Primary | #096640 | 9, 102, 64 | brand-primary | base-green-700 |
Brand Primary Light | #0B8351 | 11, 131, 81 | brand-primary-light | base-green-600 |
Brand Primary Dark | #074B2F | 7, 75, 47 | brand-primary-dark | base-green-800 |
Brand Black | #212721 | 33, 39, 33 | brand-black | base-black-800 |
Brand Black Dark | #090B09 | 9, 11, 9 | brand-black-dark | base-black-900 |
Brand Secondary | #BDDBD6 | 189, 219, 214 | brand-secondary | base-sky-400 |
Brand Secondary Light | #E4F1EF | 228, 241, 239 | brand-secondary-light | base-sky-200 |
Brand Secondary Dark | #88BFB6 | 136, 191, 182 | brand-secondary-dark | base-sky-600 |
Brand Accent | #A95B24 | 169, 91, 36 | brand-accent | base-rust-700 |
Brand Accent Light | #E8792A | 232, 121, 42 | brand-accent-light | base-tangerine-600 |
Brand Alert | #AC1C1E | 172, 28, 30 | brand-alert | base-brick-500 |
Brand Alert Light | #C15153 | 193, 81, 83 | brand-alert-light | base-brick-600 |
Brand Alert Dark | #7E201F | 126, 32, 31 | brand-alert-dark | base-brick-700 |
Brand White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | brand-white | base-gray-100 |
Gray 800 | #424242 | 66, 66, 66 | - | base-gray-800 |
Gray 700 | #585858 | 88, 88, 88 | - | base-gray-700 |
Gray 600 | #808080 | 128, 128, 128 | - | base-gray-600 |
Gray 500 | #ADADAD | 173, 173, 173 | - | base-gray-500 |
Gray 400 | #D1D3D4 | 209, 211, 212 | - | base-gray-400 |
Gray 300 | #E6E7E8 | 230, 231, 232 | - | base-gray-300 |
Gray 200 | #F4F5F5 | 244, 245, 245 | - | base-gray-200 |
Gray 150 | #FAFAFA | 250, 250, 250 | - | base-gray-150 |
Contact us if you have an application question or recommended addition to these standards.