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Generic Data Management Processes

Most country-level data will be prepared, uploaded, and processed using the information on the pages listed below. Check the Domain-Specific Data Management pages for additional information that may be relevant to your upload.

The general order of operations for management of country-level data are outlined below.

  1. Entering Data: New data are entered or uploaded by the Deputy Country Representative (DCR) using Data entry > Add a new data collection.

  2. Submitting Data: The new data is submitted by the Country Representative (CR):

    • The Country Representative (CR) selects the Data Collection to be submitted by going to Data Processing > Display or edit an existing Data Collection (including Submit, Review and Publish) and reviews the uploaded data. If there are anomalies, the CR will inform the DCR to check those anomalies.

    • The DCR addresses issues raised by the CR by completing the following steps:

      • Click on the Edit icon for the entries which are still in Draft status.

      • Apply the necessary changes and then select Save or Save and continue editing.

      • If any data needs additional explanation, write a comment in the Comment box and select Post Comment. (e.g., Leave a comment if a price has changed significantly from the previous month and the reason is unknown or if data has been corrected after being placed Under Review.)

      • Notify the CR that the data are ready for review.

    • Once the data are ready to be submitted, the CR opens the Data Collection page and presses the Submit button.
      Note: Data will not appear in reports and extracts until they have been submitted.

    • The CR notifies the Regional Food Security Specialist, M&T (RFSS-MT) in the Regional Office (RO) that the data is ready for review.

  3. Reviewing Data: The Regional Food Security Specialist, M&T (RFSS-MT) in the Regional Office (RO) reviews the data collection using the Data processing module:

    • If the data are determined to be complete and accurate, the RFSS-MT in the RO puts a comment in the Comment section which notifies the Home Office (HO) M&T Analyst assigned to the region that the data are ready to publish.

    • If the data are not complete or accurate, the RFSS-MT in the RO communicates with the CR about the anomalies.

    • The CR completes the following steps:

      • Select the Review button to change the status of the Data Collection to Under Review.

      • Explain why the data are Under Review using the Comment box and select Post Comment.

      • Data that are placed under review will need to be corrected and resubmitted by following the process in Step 2 (Submitting Data).

      • Once the data are corrected, the CR notifies the RFSS-MT.

    • Once the data is determined to be complete and accurate, the RFSS-MT in the RO puts a comment in the Comment section which notifies the Home Office (HO) M&T Analyst assigned to the region that the data are ready to publish.

  4. Publishing Data: Once the data is determined to be complete and accurate by the RFSS-MT, HO will perform another review and complete the following steps:

    • If the data is ready to be published, open the Data Collection and click the Publish button.

    • If the data needs additional review, the Markets and Trade team completes the same steps as the Regional Market Specialist in step 3 to place the data Under Review.

  5. Editing Published Data: To prevent accidental edits, a Published Data Collection cannot be altered. In the rare case where a correction is required to Published data, the RO updates the status to Under Review and adds comments to the Comment box. The DCR will then initiate a new review and approval process.

If at any stage the data collection is Published, the Regional Office will be notified via an email alert. If at any stage the data collection is placed Under Review, the Deputy Country Representative will be notified via an email alert.

The change data collection screen has publish, review, history and view on site buttons in the upper right-hand side of the page.
The top section, where the DCR enters and edits data, is followed by sections for the Country Representative, the Regional Food Security Specialist, and the Home Office.

Flowchart representation of the process of submitting and publishing country-level data

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