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Data Entry

From the Data entry module, users can upload new alphabetic, numeric, or symbolic data using the following options:

  • Add a new Data Collection: used for step 1 of the data ingestion process, allowing users to enter data and ready it for approval and processing.

  • Import Data Points: used for small bulk uploads of historical data or corrections.

  • Offline data uploads: used for large bulk uploads of historical data or corrections.

The Data Entry options are displayed in a dropdown menu.

Add a new Data Collection

The Add a new Data Collection option leads directly to the Add Data Collection form, where a user can either upload a file or create a Data Collection manually, allowing them to add Collection Periods and Data Points without a file upload.

Bulk uploads

Import Data Points

The Import Data Points option contains a submenu with import screens by Data Domain.

Offline data uploads

The Offline data uploads screen displays all the data upload records in the system together with their status, Data Domain, country information, and the user who initiated the upload process.

From this screen users can perform the following activities:

  • Add data uploads

  • Search and filter using one or more of the following criteria:

    • Status

    • Subtype (Data Domain)

    • User the status was changed by

    • Country

  • View record details, including the following information:

    • Name: the name of the data upload file

    • Subtype: the Data Domain for the upload

    • Country: the relevant country for the data upload

    • Status: the status of the data upload process (in progress, succeeded, failed)

    • File: link to download the data upload file

    • Result: link to review the data upload result of each row of data in the data upload document

    • Log: link to review the log for the data upload process

    • Updates: link to review updates to the data

    • Created By: the User who created the data upload

    • Created: the date the data upload was created

    • Status changed by: the User who most recently changed the status of the data upload

    • Status changed: the date the status of the data upload was last changed

  • Delete, process, or restart data uploads using the Action dropdown.

  • Select a Data Series record from the data uploads table view to access the Change data upload screen.

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