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Authentication and Authorization

Git Authentication

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users in the system and for this, the FEWS NET Data Platform relies on the Django authentication system. After opening the FEWS NET Data Platform login page, users authenticate themselves by entering their username and password. After validating the user, the system allows them to enter under their assigned permission structure. The user can only view pages and menus that they have been provided access to per the permissions system.

Currently, there are two ways of gaining access to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse:

  1. Request and approval for account:
    All non-FEWS staff users must be approved by the FEWS Help Desk. If approval is granted, the user is assigned a username and password. The user can then access the system by providing the assigned credentials when requested.

  2. Using a email address:
    FEWS NET staff members can log into the system using their official email address and by using Google to authenticate their accounts. A FEWS NET staff member who logs into the system for the first time will have a new user record created in the FEWS NET user database. The account will be marked as a member of the FEWS Staff user group.

In addition, anyone may create an account for the FEWS NET Data Explorer. By default, new accounts will only be able to view data with public permissions.


Authorization is the process of granting access to users based on their data permission in the system. Many permissions are assigned to users based on whether they belong to FEWS NET field offices or regional offices.

A system administrator uses the System Administration > Common > Field office page to manage field and regional offices and accordingly assign user memberships and allocation of countries to field and regional offices. Hence, each field office has a list of users belonging to the office and a list of one or more countries for which the users are allowed to upload, edit, and delete data in the system.

In addition to users being granted permission through their respective FEWS NET field/regional offices, all field office users have a read permission on all data in the system if the data usage policy of the corresponding data source document is either Public, FEWS NET Only, or Early Warning Analysis Only.

Authentication support

To request assistance or report and issue, please contact Helpdesk Support.

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