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September 2024 Release Notes

The following list of updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 24.08 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New features

Composite dashboards

FDW can generate composite dashboards of visualizations that can be embedded as iframes on external websites through the following tickets:

  • Coordinate CHOPP iframe visualization work (DATA-4013)

  • Create django view to produce modified price bulletin for the CHOPP (DATA-4029)

  • Create data model to store composite dashboard configuration (DATA-4028)

  • Define data series for dashboard visualizations (DATA-4032)


Add Indicator and Geographic Unit to Data Point facts query and dependents (DATA-3913)

Improved the performance of the Exchange Rate data facts API endpoint by adding joins to indicator and geographic unit on the base DataPointFacts query and ensuring dependent queries use that rather than join via DataSeries.

Upload new FSO, FSOU population in need data (DATA-3942)

A new outlook_peak_needs document type in FDW supports the upload of new Population in Need Estimates datasets with projection periods that align to the Food Security Outlooks and Food Security Outlook Updates. Annual peak needs documents are now associated with a new annual_peak_needs document type.

Add a field to store attribution details for crop data contribution (DATA-3985)

The attribution of crop data contributions from external partners is recorded in FDW and included in data extracts.

Improvements to the Season API endpoint (DATA-4016)

Updates to the Season API endpoint show the Geographic Unit name and show the country when the Geographic Unit is Admin 1 and below. The endpoint can be filtered by Geographic Unit, Country, and Season.

Ensure the Crop Explorer Dashboard uses permissions for Data Point counts (DATA-4084)

The Crop Explorer Dashboard has been made publicly available with data point counts that reflect the permissions of internal versus public users.

FDE updates

Updates to the FEWS NET Data Explorer were completed through the following tickets:

  • The Use market-level Exchange Rates checkbox is available in the Customize sidebar and selecting the checkbox updates the data extracts when market-level Exchange Rates are available (DATA-3783)

  • The Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Domain now offers the option to filter by Data usage policy (DATA-3826)

  • A link in the top navigation and in a tooltip for the Data Set API link leads to FEWS NET’s API documentation (DATA-3953)

  • The FDE login button text was updated to reflect that single sign-on is applicable to all Google users (DATA-3979)


Period date issue of the Map tab slider (DATA-4038)

The period date for the Map visualization slider in FDE was providing an error of an invalid date and did not allow dates to be chosen correctly. The default period date and date selection now work as expected.

Field lists are missing from the import screens of FDW (DATA-4063)

The lists of fields to be imported were missing from the import screens in FDW. The fields now display as expected.

JavaScript errors detected

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