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Release Notes for Data Sprint 22.05

The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 22.05 release to FDW/FDE.

New Features

Draft metadata documentation available for some domains

  • Users can now utilize the FEWS NET data platform API to access metadata definitions and details corresponding to their data extract in the Price, Crop, and Trade domains and for exchange rates in the Other domain. To access, add the word metadata to your API call link between the endpoint and parameters. For example:
    If your API call is:
    You can call metadata definitions using:
    This information can be accessed in html, PDF, or JSON formats.

  • This new feature includes the following Jira issues:

    • Comprehensive Metadata for Price Domain (DATA-1468)

    • Comprehensive Metadata for Crop Domain (DATA-1469)

    • Comprehensive Metadata for Trade Domain (DATA-1470)

    • Comprehensive Metadata for Exchange rates (DATA-1548)

  • Coming soon: This work is being expanded to include updates to metadata definitions, additional domains, and the ability to access metadata definitions from a tab within the FDE.


EWT Request for IMF Data Added to API Ingest Pipeline (DATA-1485)

  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, Labor data, and GDP data are now being pulled automatically from the IMF via the API ingest pipeline.

Create IPC Drupal nodes from public data only (DATA-1570)

  • This update ensures that only data collections with data source documents that have a Public data usage policy are published and refreshed on the Data Center.

Bug Fixes

FAO Price Pipeline

  • The FAO pipeline was running and failing due to dataseries metadata mismatch. To correct this, the dataseries required for successfully running the FAO price pipeline were created. In addition, an update was recently made so that when fetching data from web services, if there is a failure in one document due to unmatched metadata, other documents from that web service can still successfully pull data. This update was not working correctly and has been fixed.

  • This fix includes the following Jira issues:

    • Failure in FAO Ingestion Pipeline (DATA-1518)

    • Setup dataseries required for APK-Inform Agency data import (DATA-1435)

Incorrect Dataset autocomplete for standard visualizations (DATA-1533)

  • The UI that allows users to build standard visualizations should help them select an appropriate Data Set using autocomplete. This was not working as intended and has been fixed.

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