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Release Notes for Data Sprint 20.09


Dated: 06 October, 2020

The following list of new features, tasks and resolved bugs are included in the latest Sprint 20.09.1 release:





Automatically update for affected Data Series after updating DocumentType.dataseries_name_format -

Prevent automatic creation of Data Source Documents on import in the Survey domain -

  • This feature is about disabling the automatic creation of the data_source_document upon uploading data of the survey data domains. This was previously causing errors within the Survey domain.

Make Indicator a mandatory attribute for Data Series

  • This feature is about making Indicator a mandatory field for the data series of all the data domains. Doing this has helped further standardize the data domains within FDW, by enabling extracts of Data Points for mixed Data Domains, and providing meaningful Y axis labels on cross-domain charts.

Standardize Country Filter on Data Point Admin screens -

  • This feature is about implementing the Country filter list for the data points admin screens of all the data domains. This allows for easier search through IPC data points.

IPC outputs should use full names for Classification Scales -

Generate PNG Maps for Country Level IPC Shapefiles -

Use Custom Permission instead of ‘Is Staff’ for determining whether IPC Population values are visible -

  • This feature is  about adding the new customized permission type ipc | ipc population size | Can view ipc population size actual value to the existing relevant groups which allows the user to see either the value or range of the IPC Population size.

Support Transit Trade Flow Type -

  • This enhancement is about incorporating the Transit trade flow type to the cross border trade data domain. It is selectable under the Flow Type dropdown list.

Define recent period and collection date in api/ipcphasemap -

Investigate why uploading additional IPC phases data returns invalid records -

  • This feature is about allowing the newly added IPC data to be recognized by the system instead of shown as an invalid records which as a result allows for an outlook update.


Review of National Parks and Lakes Geographic Units in IPC Data -

Load Days Work Available data in production -


Clicking on Browse button of the Single data series page ( does not return any values -

Display a descriptive pop up message instead of the 500 Internal Error message for the restricted FAOB data which are shown from the FDW End point -

  • Trying to access the FAOB restricted data points results in 500 Internal Server error and this was resolved and it is now showing the appropriate message.

Crop Production Indicator facts doesn’t work with format=xml and aggregate=true -

  • There was an issue in extracting the data of the Crop Production Indicator facts with parameter types of format=xml and aggregate=true and this was resolved and the functionality is working as expected.

Chart is compressed to the left when switching between tabs (Price, Trade and Other domains) -

  • There was a user interface issue upon switching between the tabs of the Table and Chart views for the Price, Trade and Other data domains of the FDE. This was resolved and the Chart is displayed correctly.  

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