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June 2024 Release Notes

The following list of updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 24.06 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.


Upgrade to Django 4.2 (DATA-1252)

The Data Platform’s background infrastructure was updated to Django 4.2 to support optimal security and performance.

Implement SFO-aligned styles in FDW visualizations (DATA-3633)

Work was completed in FDW to prepare visualizations for the space and font optimization work that is in progress for the FEWS NET website.

Upload 2024 peak needs (including non-FEWS NET countries) (DATA-3678)

FDW can now accept peak needs data that does not use the IPC scale using the new non-IPC compatible phase type.

Ensure national data series in the Survey domain use a locality tied to the open-ended layer (DATA-3723)

National data series in the Survey domain in FDW are now tied to an open-ended layer, in order to resolve duplicative crop production data series that resulted from using layers tied to localities that are typically versioned rather than open-ended. For all data series in the Survey domain, one geographic unit will be used in both the locality and the data series.

Implement performance improvements (DATA-3746)

Several improvements were made to the performance of the Data Platform’s API endpoint requests, supporting a faster return of Exchange Rate data facts.

Enable UnpublishSpatialDatasets task on GeographicUnitSetVersion delete (DATA-3768)

Deleting a geographic unit set version in FDW will now unpublish the corresponding spatial datasets, ensuring that CKAN and the CMS only contain up-to-date spatial datasets.

Return customized error when data points endpoint is filtered by a non-existent data source document (DATA-3814)

The API will return an error to users who filter data points by source documents when the source document ID doesn’t exist or the source document does not contain data series.

Wording change in success message for account creation (DATA-3838)

Adjusted the wording of the confirmation message for account creation to reflect that accounts are now created without a delay.

Alias field for DataSourceDocument (DATA-3842)

An alias field was added in FDW to match data source documents using defined aliases. The alias field can also be used to look up data source documents.

FDE date filter usability improvements (DATA-3845)

Refinements were made to the date filter in FDE, including:

  • The start and end date fields are combined into a single date range picker.

  • A tooltip provides guidance on the functionality of the fields.

  • All preview options and the extract match the user’s date range inputs.

Ensure source document autocomplete function does not return documents with no data series in FDE (DATA-3850)

A new function can be used in FDE to ensure that only source documents with data series will be returned from an autocomplete search.

Rename internal data source documents for clarity (DATA-3880)

Adjusted the names of the internal data source documents in FDW from “Internal” to “FEWS NET/USAID Only.”

Drop customize table profile section (DATA-3882)

Updated the user profile page in FDE by removing the customize table section to reflect the currently available functionality.


Issue of the data source document filter of the FIPE domain (DATA-3843)

Attempting to extract data from a specific data source document was returning data from all available source documents in the domain. Data from a specific source document can now be downloaded.

FDE Bug Fixes

Bug fixes for the FEWS NET Data Explorer were completed through the following tickets:

  • Users were not receiving the expected email notification after requesting a link to reset their password. The notification email is now sent after the user clicks the Submit button on the Forgot Password screen (DATA-3841).

  • Users were unable to save multiple parameters with the Save Search functionality. Save Search is now working as expected (DATA-3861).

  • Users were not able to add new data series immediately after saving a dataset, and were instead directed to save a new dataset. A dataset that has just been saved now stays open and available for modification until closed (DATA-3869).

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