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February 2023 Release Notes

The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 23.02 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

Data Inventory Reset Filters (DATA-2365)

The Data Inventory Dashboard now includes a more intuitive Reset Country Selection button to clear the selected country filter.

Collapsible Admin Filters (DATA-2339)

Filter sections in the FDW admin screens can be collapsed and expanded as needed.

The downward facing chevrons next to the filter sections By Fewsnet Country Group, By Reporting Country, and By Border Point indicates that these filter sections are currently collapsed - the filter section names can be clicked to expand them.


Streamlined HFA data uploads (DATA-2337)

A single file upload can be used to add separate data collections for FIC, HFA, IDP FIC, and IDP HFA data.

Add country field to Source documents (DATA-2342)

A country can be set directly on the Data Source Document, so that Documents and Data Collections can be filtered by country even when they belong to global organizations.

Clone DataSet action in Data Set Admin screens (DATA-2423)

A Clone Data Set action is available in the data set admin screen in order to create a copy of the data set with the same attributes, named “Copy of {} at {timestamp}.” It also creates copies of each of the data set parameters and data set data series entries.

The Clone a dataset option is available in the Action field dropdown.

Metadata Management Updates

  • Comprehensive metadata endpoints are available for the Nutrition and Population subtypes of the Survey domain (DATA-1978)

  • A metadata endpoint has been created for Calculated Price Indexes (DATA-1971)

Load the Peak Needs data into the FIPE domain (DATA-1525)

The Peak Needs estimates data is loaded into the FIPE domain using a new data source document.

FDE Updates

Improvements to the FDE were completed through the following tickets:

  • A OneTrust "Cookie Settings" link can be accessed in the FDE footer (DATA-2317)

  • Once the user has clicked the download button on a FDE domain page, a “Preparing your download” notification will display (DATA-2384)

  • A save icon has been added to the Save Search and Save Selection buttons in FDE to improve clarity around saving versus downloading a data set (DATA-2386)

Improved Data Domains

  • Search vectors that use also search DataSourceOrganization.full_name (DATA-2138)

  • Data Series Count and Data Series List have been added to relevant admin screens (DATA-2430)

  • Removed reference to 'January' from the dashboards' hovertemplate as it is confused with the season dates used for aggregation for the crop domain dashboard (DATA-2175)

IMF Data Pipeline (DATA-1611)

A functional IMF Data Pipeline has been established.

Bug Fixes

XLSX import fails when column headers are empty (DATA-2340)

After changing the way XLSX files are imported, there was an error with XLSX files that contain empty column headers. This has been corrected to allow XLSX files to import correctly.

Bug Fixes in the FDE

  • The new Google Tag Manager container snippet has been added (DATA-2315)

  • The dropdown from the user icon in the top menu was corrected to show the logged in user’s username (DATA-2380)

  • The functionality of the "Clear Filters" button in the FDE selected filters bar was improved to clear all the user’s selected filters while preserving all other entered search parameters (DATA-2412)

  • The Geo Aggregation, Indicator and Datasource Documents filters of the Crop data domain were not responding to search by typing; this functionality is now supported (DATA-2429)

  • The Phase and Scenario filters of the Acutely Food Insecure Population Estimates data domain were not responding to search by typing; this functionality is now supported (DATA-2436)

  • The Scale filter of the Acutely Food Insecurity Classifications data domain was not responding to search by typing; this functionality is now supported (DATA-2437)

OTP entries in Metadata Management should be in System Administration (DATA-2355)

Two OPT menu entries that were incorrectly appearing under Metadata Management were relocated to the System Administration section.

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