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Visualize and Export Data

There are 4 parts to the Visualize and Export section of the Data Explorer:

Image highlighting the 4 parts of the Visualize and Export section.

1. Visualize data

The visualizations built into the FDE allow you to preview a dataset to ensure the data is relevant. You can make changes to your search, filter, data series selections, and/or customization options and quickly see how those changes affect your data. Once you are satisfied that you are capturing the data you want, you can then export the dataset.


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All Domains

Each row displays data on an individual data point within the selected dataseries.


  • Calculated price indexes

  • Calculated price ratio

  • Days of work

  • Demography

  • Exchange rates

  • Other indicators

  • Prices

  • Remittances

  • Secondary price indexes

  • Trade

Each line represents a selected data series, with the horizontal axis being the timeline. The legend contains information that helps users identify each data series.


  • Prices

  • Spatial

Maps show the geographic locations of the individual data points within the selected data series. Maps may include a time slider and other options to help visualize the change over time, and geographic coverage of boundaries.

2. Explore the Metadata

The Metadata tab contains detailed information about the metadata for the selected data series. You can scroll through the metadata or choose a heading to jump to that section. You can also download the metadata using the download button on this tab.

The metadata tab includes multiple headings of information and a download button.

3. Customize your data view

Aggregation options are available for most domains using the Customize menu. 

These options allow you to convert or aggregate system data into specified units or aggregation parameters. Common conversion types include, currency, units of measure for weight and volume, and time.

The Customize sidebar includes the reporting schedule and Common Units dropdowns.

4. Export data

The first step to export data is to choose a File Format in the Customize menu. Options are domain specific and might include flat and time series CSV, HTML, JSON, GeoJSON, and XML formats.

The Usage Requirements drawer provides information on the source document and usage requirement for the selected data.

You can then export data from any domain in the FDE in one of two ways:

  • Copy link: Refreshable links connect directly to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse database server, allowing Excel, your browser, or another application to automatically fetch the most recent data from the server whenever the links are accessed. The refreshable link can also be edited and used for calling the FEWS NET Data Warehouse API.

  • Download: You can download a dataset directly to your device.

You also have the option of editing the API link manually before exporting data. Editing the API link will effect both the refreshable link and downloads.

The export data section includes a file format dropdown list, usage requirements drawer, API link, and buttons to copy the link or download data.

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