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February 2024: Added Convenience

The latest release to the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE) includes a link out to additional FEWS NET tools, as well as updates to the filters in the Trade domain. This month, we’re also taking a closer look at building and sharing deep links in FDE. Read on to learn more.

Quick Access to Agroclimatology Data Portals

You can now move from FDE to FEWS NET’s Agroclimatology Data Portals with ease through a link in the FDE left-hand sidebar. Expand your exploration of FEWS NET’s data by accessing agroclimatology data derived from remote sensing, satellite imagery, and ground observations.

A demonstration of using the link out to the Agroclimatology Data Portals.

Trade Domain Filter Adjustments

The following updates were made to the Trade domain filters to make them more intuitive and easy to use:

  • The source and destination filters have been named Trade Source and Trade Destination for added clarity

  • The Border Point filter is now located after the Reporting Country and Trade Source filters, to better reflect that border points are often part of these two indicators.

  • The Data Source Document filter was moved to be the last filter option in alignment with other FDE domains.

A look at the adjusted Trade domain filters.

The filters you select in FDE are dynamically reflected in the web page URL, creating a direct pathway to specific data. Learn more about building and sharing these deep links in our latest how to video.
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