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Edit and Delete Saved Datasets

Edit a saved dataset

  • Navigate to the domain in which you would like to view the saved dataset.

  • Click the View Datasets button in the search and filter box.

  • You can use the Owner tab to view only datasets that you own or use the search box to find a dataset by name.

  • Select the desired dataset from the saved datasets table by clicking on the Name.

  • Make edits to your search or selected data series:

    • To add a data series to the dataset: Click on the All Series tab to view all data series that match your search and filter criteria. Change the search and filter criteria if needed. Find the data series you want to add and check the box next to the data series to add it to your dataset.

    • To remove a data series from the dataset: Uncheck the data series you want to remove.

    • To edit your search: Enter your new search or filter criteria.

  • Click Update Dataset.

    • If you want to edit dataset details you can do so from this popup. You can rename a dataset, update the description, adjust the visibility, and change the owner.

  • Click Update Dataset on the popup to save your changes.

Delete a saved dataset

  • Navigate to the domain in which you would like to view the saved dataset.

  • Click the View Datasets button in the search and filter box.

  • Select the trash icon for the specific dataset from the Delete column of the saved datasets table.

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