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August 2023: Improving Context

With the latest release to the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE), you’ll notice a load of new features that make back-end information from our database visible via the front-end user interface in order to improve transparency and context. This includes new loading and updating indicators for tables and visualizations plus some new filters and metadata. Our latest how-to video provides a walkthrough of all the features you can access on the FDE home page.

Global Updates

Loading and Updating Indicators

We’ve added new indicators to instantly show when tables and visualizations are updating in response to your selected filters and data.

This change not only indicates that the data is still loading or updating, but also allows you to continue to view and work within the FDE while the system works in the background.

The new Loading indicator appears at the top of data series and data facts tables.

The new Updating indicator appears for visualizations and data points tables.

Domain Specific Updates

New Filters in the Exchange Rate Domain

You can now filter by “From” and “To” Currencies in the Exchange Rate Domain.

Check out the Exchange Rate Domain page for more information on how to use those filters.

Data Usage Policy Notes

The Acute Food Insecurity Classifications Domain now includes notes on the data usage policies for each data series. Policy definitions can be found on the Metadata Standards page.

You can view usage policies in the Table tab or the Documents section of the Metadata tab.

Metadata in the Crop Domain

The Crop Domain now contains a Metadata tab. This tab contains more information about the metadata of the filtered data series including definitions.

▶️ How To Series: Using the FDE Home Page

This month’s how to video covers all the capabilities of the home page widgets, including quick access to datasets, top pages, recent updates, and support.

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