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November 26, 2024 Release Notes

The following work for the FEWS NET website is included in the Sprint 66 release.

Security updates

Drupal core security update 2024-007, 2024-008 (FNW-1992)

Performed a moderately critical Drupal core security update. 

Security updates for symfony/* and twig dependencies (FNW-1976)

Performed a moderately critical security update for symfony and twig dependencies. Symfony is s a set of reusable PHP components that can be used as a framework for web applications, and Twig is a template engine and language used to build and use templates in PHP applications.

Implement CSP restrictions (FNW-1714)

Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions were implemented to limit the resources that can be loaded by a browser or web server. These restrictions can help protect the website from vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting.


Table title positioning (FNW-1946)

The field to add a table caption within the CMS editing page was moved from the bottom of the table to the top, where the final title will render for the end user. 

Adjust background/shadow for small tables in reports (FNW-1953)

The shadow for tables was adjusted for tables that are smaller than the typical width of website content on a report node. 

Technical Cleanup

Remove unused color codes (FNW-1696)

Color codes that were unused on were removed from the code as part of technical cleanup.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.