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January 10, 2024 Release Notes

The following list of tasks and features for the FEWS NET website are included in the Sprint 43 release.

Note: Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) affect the user interface for creating and editing reports in the CMS.

Tasks and Features

Content Updates

Create New Multilayer Map page (FNW-1375)

This page features an interactive map embedded in an iframe with FEWS NET’s most recent acute food insecurity classifications and data for related drivers including climate, conflict, and migration across East Africa. 

*Create Gaza Tag (FNW-1393)

A tag is now available for reports related to Gaza. All reports with Gaza content should have the tag applied in the report metadata. 

*Create Gaza Region (FNW-1394)

The region of Gaza was created in the CMS, as part of the updated Middle East and Asia region. 

*Adjust Central Asia Region Page (FNW-1395)

The Central Asia regional page was adjusted to be named Middle East and Asia, and Gaza was included as a region within it. 

Report Updates

*Update “save and preview” for Price Bulletin content (FNW-1381)

This update addresses a bug that was found in Price Bulletin report nodes, where using “Save and Preview” was not returning users to the preview screen. 

*Remove extra space in Report PDFs after Key Messages (FNW-1180)

This update removes extra space that was appearing in some reports after the Key Message section. 

*Unable to save translations - Seasonal Monitor, FSOU (FNW-1383)

This update addresses a bug that was found with saving translations of two report types. All translations are working as expected with the release of this update. 

Report Data API 

Add additional filtering to API (FNW-1271)

Additional sort and filter capabilities were added to the API data available to query metadata information about CMS report nodes. 

Create new permission set for apiUser (FNW-1405)

A new user role was created specifically for the future purposes of auto generating report nodes. 

Drupal 10

The following module updates were completed in preparation for the website update from Drupal version 9 to Drupal version 10:

  • Uninstall deprecated themes (FNW-1400)

  • Uninstall custom module - CKEditor 4 (FNW-1197)

  • Update custom module - fewsnet_utility (FNW-1193)

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