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December 24, 2024 Release Notes

The following work for the FEWS NET website is included in the Sprint 68 release.

Back-end updates 

Redis updates

Updates were made to upgrade to the most recent version of Redis, which is a database server that stores data in memory, rather than on a disk or solid-state drive. It stores data in memory, which eliminates slow disk access and achieves microsecond data latencies. This work was completed under the following tickets:

Update outline dependencies(FNW-1617)

Upgraded outline dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest framework updates. Improved stability and resolved dependency conflicts for smoother integration.

Core Web Vitals [CWV] Adjustments - minimize main-thread work (FNW-1906)

Implemented optimizations to reduce main-thread work and improve performance metrics with the purpose of achieving better Core Web Vitals scores

Activate Content Security Policy (CSP) (FNW-1998)

Enabled Content Security Policy (CSP) to enhance application security by mitigating risks of cross-site scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. Configured CSP rules to restrict unauthorized resources and scripts. CSP improves website compliance with web security standards.

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