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August 14, 2023 Release Notes

The following list of tasks, features and bugs fixes for the FEWS NET website are included in the Sprint 34 release.

Note: Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) affect the user interface for creating and editing reports in the CMS.

Tasks and Features

*[Theme] Report - Tables and Table Numbers (FNW-597)

Table numbers are automatically generated and have similar styling to the numbering of static images and visualizations.

Capitalization in left-hand navigation bar (FNW-879)

Updated the left-hand navigation to respect the capitalization used in the section headings, in line with brand guidelines.

*Autogenerate citations in report nodes (FNW-904)

The new Add Automatic Citation report content button will autogenerate a recommended citation that pulls details from the report node.

Populate Acronym field on report taxonomy term (FNW-1051)

Populated the Acronym field which will be displayed in the PDF file name for web-generated reports.

Missing LAC / CAC Food Security data on website (FNW-1063)

Adjusted matching for the nodes in CKAN to the regions in D9 in order to return Acute Food Insecurity data in the Data Center for the Latin America and the Caribbean filter.

*Reports - Add Key Messages in one block (FNW-1066)

Users can now add the Key Messages for a report in one Key Messages Multi block instead of using the Add Another Item to create separate blocks for each Key Message.

Update website footer (FNW-1081)

Updated the footer text to change “web site” to “website.”

Reduce partner logo size in PDFs (FNW-1082)

Adjusted the size of partner logos in web-generated PDFs in production to align with the approved placement.


Create URL aliases for old country page links from D7 PDFs (FNW-1033)

Addressed broken links in the footers of previous reports and PDFs uploaded to the D7 site by setting the old URLs as aliases for the current pages in D9.

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