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April 16, 2024 Release Notes

The following tasks and features are included in the Sprint 50 release.

Note: Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) affect the user interface for creating and editing reports in the CMS.

Many updates were made to the FEWS NET Search page in order to improve user experience and find content more easily. A full list of the tickets released to make these enhancements are below. 

  • Front-end search proof of concept (FNW-1437)

  • Basic search implementation from proof of concept (FNW-1462)

  • Create a SOLR deployment (FNW-1466)

  • Redirect view all / view more to new search page (FNW-1467)

  • Solr index configuration (FNW-1468)

  • Include report PDFs in Solr index (FNW-1469)

  • Create facet with hierarchical multivalued select (FNW-1470)

  • Combine drupal fields into single field for index (FNW-1478)

  • Add report type, sector, and tag field dropdowns to Landing page content types (FNW-1482)

  • Extend data range face to include more content types (FNW-1490)

  • Implement page type facet (FNW-1499)

  • Fill new reference fields with values (FNW-1511)

  • Switch to new search implementation (FNW-1530)

  • Front-end styling - Chosen Facets (FNW-1531)

  • Front-end styling - Date Range Facet (FNW-1532)

  • Front-end styling - Page Type Facet (FNW-1533)

  • Boost recent reports on default search page (FNW-1537)

  • Add abbreviations to report type facet labels (FNW-1546)

  • Front-end styling - Position facets (FNW-1552)

  • Front-end styling - Page title (FNW-1553)

  • Front-end styling - Position Keyword box, sort, apply, and reset buttons (FNW-1555)

  • Add reset button for faceted search (FNW-1556)

  • Front-end styling - “Sort by” dropdown (FNW-1558)

  • Report title keyword search improvements (FNW-1562)

  • Keep facets with no available options viewable (FNW-1564)

  • SOLR infrastructure - UAT, STAGE (FNW-1568)

  • SOLR infrastructure - PROD (FNW-1569)

  • Remove search pop-up next to main navigation bar (FNW-1585)

  • Spell out full language names in search facet (FNW-1586)

  • Site accessibility testing/remediation (FNW-1587)

  • Add tooltip above facets on search page (FNW-1593)

  • Update data node migration from CKAN to add to search topics facet (FNW-1600)

Editor Experience

*Adjust report content page to add additional information (FNW-1575)

The report content page at was adjusted to add additional information related to report type and region, at the request of the Early Warning Team. 

*Make the Source Title required for Images in report paragraphs (FNW-1574)

The source title is now required for figures that are added to reports. 


Hide Related Analysis View on report nodes if no related analyses are available (FNW-1604)

For new countries added to the website, the related analysis view will be hidden until more than one report is available. 

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