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Use tables only for presenting data, not for changing the visual layout of the page. The design and structure of tables can vary based on emphasis needed for certain cells or lines within a table.



Tables preferably fit on one page; if needed, column size should be adjusted to make the table fit in one page. If stretched to additional pages, additional headers are required on the top of each page. Where possible, distribute rows and columns equally for a balanced view.

It is best practice to include a heading row (rather than starting with data in the first row) because screen readers automatically read the first row as a heading row.

Title and table number

All tables should be titles with a table number followed by a period, then a title (e.g., “Table 1. Illustrative Example of Table Options” ). The text should be Open Sans, 10 points, Brand Black, bold, Title Case, left justified. Each table in a report is to be numbered sequentially. Titles are preferably no longer than a few words. Explanatory text can be added in the narrative or under a table as a caption. 


Title text in the header row and/or column is Open Sans, 10 points, Brand Black, Title Case, middle of the cell, left justified. Table text is the same as Normal text (Open Sans, 10 points, Brand Black, sentence case), middle of the cell, left justified, no fill. 


All tables should have a border in Gray 500 (#ADADAD). Darker gray shades may be used sparingly if stronger contrast is needed.

Color fill

Fill header rows and columns with Brand Secondary Light (#E4F1EF) or Gray 300 (#E6E7E8). Use Gray 300 for cases where higher contrast is needed, such as when the table will be displayed using a projector.

Use alternating color fills for rows or columns to help users scan your table. Alternating rows or columns should use Brand White (#FFFFFF) and Gray 200 (#F4F5F5).

Figure 1. Illustrative Example of Table Options

Examples of two tables showing the correct border and fill colors

Caption and source

Captions go below a table and add additional information that can not be found in the text or title. The text should be Open Sans, 10 points, Brand Black, italics, sentence case, left justified. If a source is being provided, the source should come under the caption and be formatted as “Source: [insert source name].” Source text should be Open Sans, 9 points, Brand Black, normal, Title Case, left justified.

Reference in text

Tables should be referenced in the body of the text (e.g., “See Table 1 below.” or “See Table 1.”). Tables should be cross-referenced and linked elsewhere in the document if mentioned more than once.

Contact us if you have an application question or recommended addition to these standards.

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